How was your Friday? What did you do?

Worked on info for possible refinance of our house.
Did some weed trimming. Watered the garden. Reset some drip irrigation settings.
Made a sandwich.
Chatted with my wife about problems that an organization she is involved with is having.
Looked through my Facebook feed read more horrors about Israel/Palestine and watched a couple of webcasts about latest on vaccine injuries.
Kept checking in on GAG
Took a shower.
Getting ready to head out to a pizza restaurant.
Yup. Fun, fun, fun. Living the dream.
Sounds like you have a good memory you listed a lot of things! The yardwork is always fun as long as you can take your time and shower after a long day is amazing! Plus pizza mhmm 🤤🤤
I am recovering from surgery and have to walk as part of my rehab. Today was a beautiful day and I wore gym shorts for the first time when I went for my walk.
Aw I'm glad you're recovering! That's good you can walk! Hopefully you can start moving more and more each day!
Yeah. When my neighbour was going through rehabilitation after surgery. My parents always sent me over to help him get excerise to help his recovery.
Aw thanks! I try to be! Wow super lucky of you!
We grocery shopping and went out to eat with friends/roommates.
Watched game of thrones with said roommates.
That's cool! That you and your roommates get along well
Yeah a lot of people depend on a good friend group. So I get it!
I went out and got some pork fried rice from a Chinese restaurant But before that I went to Publix supermarket
I'm on the right!
Played with my dog on my freshly cut grass.
Meet a girl for a hookup. GREAT!
Went to a bonfire at a friend's house.
Great day!!
Wow! That sounds like a perfect day!
If that's you and your sister in the picture. Y'all are beautiful and sexy 😍😘 I love both of y'all's asses and I hope you both have a great rest of your day 👍🏻😘
I went to physio therapy worked out then I got lunch and came home and watched a League of Legends tournament that's going on atm.
that's nice! 😄 I went window shopping then had some lunch
Both looking attractive and sexy.
We went to night club on Friday night.
Did your fun include seeing how many guys would check out your sexy body?
I have been working at site whole day. Had a small after reaching hotel.
Bdw your dress looks nice!!
Woke up. Went to work. Got home. Layed in bed and opened GaG..
Went and bought stuff, watched a movie, and went bowling
Friday, rainy day.
Your skirt looks unusually long, but your ass looks inviting 😋
SweetTay, rumor is that you like to tease all the guys but you are mostly into black guys. Is that true?
I bought lego and cooked! Haha
sister? That doesn't look quite right
What do you mean?
Did some yard work
Yard work is always fun!
Nice day, good to be outside
Very nice! I love when it's warm and sunny!
Me too, did you have a short skirt today
My skirt was longer today^ down to my ankles lol
Does this nursery know they are about to be robbed
What? Lol
Two masked ladies
I still don't understand the nursery comment lol we were at a plant shop 😂
Sorry thought it a plant nursery
Ohh that makes sense now
Your sis has a nice butt
My Friday was spent tubing on the Deschutes River.
You are beautiful twins ❤️
Wow two beautiful young ladies.
It was good. Finished designing Queenzcoat.
those are sexy ladies
did you buy any plants?
None :( just looked