Are Haitian girls likely to cheat over the time?

Im going out with a haitian girl who has never had sex with anyone before me and I'm her first serious boyfriend, I take the relationship very seriously more seriously then other people my age and love her and would never cheat and want to marry her and so does she say. She is bisexual and has a history of messing around and being a potential slut. But do you think she will cheat at one point or want to experiment with others but mostly cheat or would her love for me change at a point? THANK YOU
+1 y
you think if in her first she would get bored and want to experiment with girls and sh*t tho I mean she's bi I don't know what would yall say cheat on her so I don't regret it bcus I feel like she isn't taking the relationship that serious anyways orrr?
Are Haitian girls likely to cheat over the time?
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