Feminism is not about equality for men? It is about equality from a woman's perspective, not a man's perspective?


Feminism is not about equality for men? It is about equality from a woman's perspective, not a man's perspective?

According to google, the definition of feminism is "the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities." However, we intepret the term "EQUAL" differently. Feminists will tend to focus on body image issues such as weight in the media but the can't ever see the male perspective of equality. From the masculinist's perspective, male models are too tall, but no one stops meghan trainor from using them in any of her music videos, and nobody stops john oliver from shaming men for their height.

Feminist will argue that feminism is not hypocritical and this is true. The feminist IDEOLOGY idn't hypocritical. However, the implimentation of feminist ADVOCACY id hypocritical. Take a recent issue, feminists want to be taken seriously in the workforce. Yet, the vast majority of women are submissive sexually. This is HIGHLY HYPOCRITICAL. The implimentation of the feminist ideology is what is hypocritical, not the feminist ideology individually.

The vast majority of feminists will argue that they should be seen as dominant in their careers. Yet, they still expect men to be dominant. They still expect men to be for the dates, to be dominant in the bedroom, and to earn more money than them. Feminists will argue that paying for the first date is just being polite.

However, the question is, WHY IS THIS SEEN AS POLITE? It is their interpretation of what polite is. It amazes me how a man's shelling out his hard earned cash for you is seen as polite. Apparently, being polite means giving women free stuff. The vast majority of feminists also advocate for better household equality. Yet, men are still expected to be the dominant ones and work harder than them to be providers.

Feminism is not for equality. It is for equality from a woman's perspective. It is up to men to share their perspective.

Feminism is not about equality for men? It is about equality from a woman's perspective, not a man's perspective?
13 Opinion