Gate Keeping, a Sociology Discussion.

Gate Keeping and how it doesn't make you better than anyone else.


"Are you privileged? A different race than someone else? A woman? A man? Do you work a specific legal job? Do you play video games, sports, table top, or any other hobbies? Do you stand a certain height, or weigh a certain amount of kilograms? Are you a certain sexual orientation? Do you like certain foods? Are you below or above a certain age?

If you apply in any of these categories, then fuck you.

What I am and what I do is better than you. "


Congratu-fuckin'-lations ! If you have this mentality then your sad life now has a little more meaning, from putting down others slightly involved in anything you enjoy.

The quote I presented is an example of what "Gate keeping" is, it's not as common as it used to be, but it's definitely more common than most believe it is.

Gate Keeping, a Sociology Discussion.


So I am going to break down what gate keeping is in simple categories, and how these categories affect your surroundings.




As people we are allowed to take pride in who we are and what we do. Pride is was allows us to sustain our dignity, but it can also ruin our integrity.

But the minute you need to feel superior is when you become arrogant, and you start believing that you are a dominant force in a certain culture/subculture, making you think you speak for everyone in it.

Gate Keeping, a Sociology Discussion.


Out grouping


You are now part of a subculture, or an "in group" because you enjoy for example "the beetles" or something I don't know. But since the beetles are a popular band (at least they were at the time) you are allowed to like them, listen to their songs, talk about them. However the out grouping happens when you cannot name every single song from a band, don't own any of their physical albums, or (for some people) have every met the members of the band.

Gate Keeping, a Sociology Discussion.

In a get keepers eyes, if you are not an obsessive or extremely materialistic fan, then you're not a REAL fan.




Now comes the centrisms. Egocentrism, ethnocentrism, and others relating to sexism, racism, and general discrimination.

Keep in mind, we are not talking about political centrists, we are talking about psychology and how gate keeping happens.

A single person's perception of right, wrong, moral, or acceptable can become their perception of what EVERYONE believes in, not just themselves. It's the belief that your own morals or ethics are superior to others. It can also mean your tastes or interests are also superior, leaving this person to believe all other tastes in other cultures are inferior.

General Discrimination


The ethnocentrist side of gate keeping also leads to old fashioned sexism, and blatant racism, to mocking mental illness as well.

Gate Keeping, a Sociology Discussion.


So people who are in gangs are not gangsters?

Now this is gatekeeping that's understandable because a lot of rappers aren't actually in gangs and just boast about nothing, but this example is someone only caring about someone's fashion taste, and possibly about their race.

Now for some more discrimination...

Gate Keeping, a Sociology Discussion.


OK so I know that reverse racism is a debatable epidemic, but this is objectively discriminatory. Claiming others location linked genetics are inferior is objectively racism, and should never be encouraged.


Want some more discrimination?

Gate Keeping, a Sociology Discussion.

This example is clearly a male who believes that women can't drive, or if they can, they don't know what these symbols mean, making them shitty drivers.


Moving on to mocking mental illness...

Gate Keeping, a Sociology Discussion.

This clearly comes from an egocentric perspective. Not knowing the struggles of someone with a mental illness, and undermining their experience by invalidating their reason to be sad. It's like something a grade schooler would do because they don't understand depression and how chemical inbalance works.


Although discrimination is not limited to race or sex. It can also be towards those of a certain sexuality or ideals as well.

Gate Keeping, a Sociology Discussion.


So I guess people in the majority leading a movement for the minority is considered wrong. Understandable, but also dangerous rhetoric. Making people believe they should not be involved or want to fight for a cause is objectively gate keeping, and self destructive gate Keeping at that.

(no offense, but a movement doesn't work if the majority is not on your side.)


Moving on...

Gate Keeping, a Sociology Discussion.

So this is Bullshit and clearly someone who enjoys out grouping and putting others down.

Discrimination of someone based on their sexuality is exactly what the LGBT+ community doesn't want, right?

And finally, we approach attempts at emasculating other me.

Gate Keeping, a Sociology Discussion.

Gate Keeping, a Sociology Discussion.
Gate Keeping, a Sociology Discussion.

Gate Keeping, a Sociology Discussion.


So not only do these men mock men who are not "masculine" enough, but they also mock women by implying that women are weak and oblivious. Also I'm sure a woman can detect what was wrong with that towing axel easily of she knew things about cars. Not all men are knowledgeable of cares, some people can't even afford cars, but that's none of my businesses.

It should be obvious why this is wrong and degrading and if you don't understand that you're not a real human. Oops, was I just gatekeeping?




There is also methods of attacking others in your culture through discriminating or invalidating other subcultures inside. A great example of this would be the LGBT+ community.

Gate Keeping, a Sociology Discussion.

Gate Keeping, a Sociology Discussion.


Like damn where do I even begin.

I fighting between trans and non binaries. People not believing bisexuality is real, people wanting Demisexuality and asexuality to be disproven, etc. These are all people that exist within the LGBT+ community, and don't like "newcomers". They invalidate others and their choices, put them down for being involved, and some even go as far to claim certain people are fake (but to be fair some of them are).

Putting others down who are part of your entire struggle is going to tear others and yourself apart, and at that point is it even a community if you have such toxic views of each other?


Wrapping up


In a sociological light, gate keeping is the very foundation of discrimination and out grouping, if not the most prime example of it.

The password is celery for if you have any rebuttals and you want me to take you seriously.

If you want to enjoy your culture, just enjoy it without claiming you're superior to others, or taking those in your culture down with you.


I also apologize if I did not cover every form of gatekeeping. It's very difficult to fit that much bullshit into a single myTake.


Have a great day.

Gate Keeping, a Sociology Discussion.
Post Opinion