I have a birthmark that looks like a hickey on my neck?

I have always been conscious of my birthmark because it looks like a kiss mark. I hide it all the time because I got made fun of it when I was younger and I really get worried when people see it. I got treated like a slut once because while I was doing work experience, this guy in his 30s saw it and he told everyone about it. Everyone was laughing behind my back so it made it worse.

today, while I was doing rock climbing, the instructor took my hair out of the way and he saw it and he was kind of surprised.

I get really conscious when it's visible to everyone that its hard for me to enjoy my self.

What should I do?

p. s. People say I look cute and innocent so when they see it they get surprised and I feel kind of insulted by their reactions
I have a birthmark that looks like a hickey on my neck?
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