I don't know
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I wish I'd been born a boy so bad. I'm definitely female in body and mind in this life, and I've accepted that but it often makes me a little sad that I never got to have a boy's experience of growing up.
Just things like playing baseball, football, being one of the guys, joining a frat, there are so many things that I could have done if I was born a boy that I really wish I could've. I don't want to do them as a girl because it's just not the same.
I can't even yell. I physically cannot make my voice loud enough to be heard over even a classroom of 25 people. Back in high school whenever I was trying to lead the class in some project I'd try my darndest to yell and get people's attention, but nobody ever heard until one of the guys would stand up, raise his voice just a little, and be heard by everyone. I can't even yell loud enough for my friends to hear me if they're walking a bit ahead of me outside. It's the little things that get me. If I was a guy for a day I'd probably just go outside and fucking yell for a bit.
I've always been told I'm beautiful and sexy and that people thought I was a girly girl stuck up type by appearance but I'm the exact opposite. Like I'm a straight up Tom boy. My personality is probably more boyish than half you boys and that includes general interests and hobbies. And no I'm not a lesbian either
@Tomblebee Just the dick? Dicks are ugly things actually.
@Tomblebee Penis is like an art? I suppose female parts and body is more of an art...
@nimmouser dude
Just cause she's a tomboy doesn't mean that she needs to be a lesbian, she can be straight all she wants.
But I may not be the greatest example is cause I'm a bit of a tomboy myself and I'm a lesbian so...
@Allysonlikescats Hmm I see that
Yes and no, I like being a woman and being able to have kids, I like my boobs, no boners, lots of clothes opinions, etc.
But I like that guys don't have to shave, are stronger and don't have periods.
So it would really depend on what id be like as a guy, because wanna be a tall, sexy one.
never have, never saw the point in it tbf, we are who we were born to be... and biologically we will always be... to change that will only be cosmetic, might tuck things in and have surgery to add or remove things but deep down we are all who we were, whether is something people wanna admit or not
i mean don't get me wrong, if people want to become something else fair play to them... if they aren't happy with who they are.. then fair enough... but deep down they will have that niggly thing eating away at them
Oh no, I love to love girls so I'm happy as things are today :D
The only thing that would maybe be interesting would be to be a girl for 24 hours, just to try out girls behaviour... out of curiosity.
Like: what does it feel like to spend 60 min in the bathroom in the morning? Would applying make-up or using earrings work out? Or putting hosiery on?
But apart from that I'm a happy guy.
Yes all the time. I just feel that guys got it easy. It's easier for them to pick up girls, it takes them no time to dress and when they do anything they wear they automatically look great. They don't have to deal with menstrual cycles every month, etc
It's much easier for girls to pick up guys than vice versa theblog.okcupid.com/a-womans-advantage-82d5074dde2d
I have long legs, I can eat as much I want and still don't get fat, my hair never has broken ends, I have diamond faceshape. I think I'd be hot as fuck as a woman with the same gens, and sometimes thinking about it, not wishing to be a woman just think about it.
Yes and no. The thing is as a man you can’t say your not the opposite gender. Because fact when I was in my mothers womb I was first a woman I then developed further into a man. But every part of being a woman is still with me I have an underdeveloped uterus I have a vagina behind my ballsack with my testical cords coming from it. I have boobs and nipples. And men have 3x more oestrogen than woman as well just not in blood.
OMFG YES!!! I wish soo badly that I was born a girl!! I was born with low testosterone and more estrogen.. I am on hormones to block as much testosterone as I can and estrogen to help me feel more fem inside and out!! Almost nobody knows I'm on hormones but my wife commented on how big my nipples have gotten and that made me soo happy inside!
Male privilege does sound tempting but i think u lose a part of urself if u were born a different gender, and i dont want that. because ur world view is altered completely. Seeing every US presisent before u be ur gender. Seeing countless superheroes as ur gender. Seeing ur identity constantly being praised for centuries and having people have natural respect for u in the work force or any where place u step in would give ur ego, ur confidence and ur personality a shift. But tbh it ultimately makes u a dick and i dont want any parts of that in my blood and bones.
Finish reading the paragraph. It gives a little glimpse into the privileges men have.
Life would be a lot easier in some ways.
Having a twin sis I can sort of see exactly how life would be where I a female and iv seen how hard it was for her.
Vs me all that is expected of me this crushing weight I have she dosn t at this point ill take either 1 but I drew this 1.
Absolutely. I'd have a vagina which would get me free dates, a get out of jail free card for everything, a free financial pass for life if I marry then divorce someone, and I could blame any poor choices on men or PMS. That would be the life, no accountability/responsibility and all the rewards
Have you ever considered transitioning?
No, those benefits only apply to cis women as feminists exclude trans women.
No. Women don’t have it easy at all however, both genders face unique challenges that the other doesn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I love men but I’m glad to have been born female
Yes and no. I wish i could have a trial period for my man version and switch back to woman of i dislike it.
I don't see the benefits of being a man other than the fact i wouldn't have periods and have to be the one giving birth.
So would you say that there are benefits to being a female?
Yeah, same about men though. The biggest minuses we have are periods and giving birth, the rest of stuff is balanced.
Somehow I actually do, not that I feel like I'm in the wrong body or something, but I think being female would fit my personality better.
Then I remember that girls have periods and I am already easily pissed off when something passively annoys me, so I would probably murder someone every month lmao.
Sometimes yes
Their bodies are cooler and I could post nude videos online and it would actually be hot
I wouldn't want to be born differently. But I'd be curious to spend some time as a woman. Not only the obvious bodily changes but also to see how life is, interactions, opportunities, judgement, etc.
What if I can't identify as the "opposite" gender because it doesn't fit my identity either?
Sometimes. Women can get away with more bullshit than men and their word is treated as gold whether or not it is true.
Well here is food for thought. It was not that long ago. That women were thought as worthless and had no rights.
Plus they belived that womens sole propose is to serve man and to have babies.
Just something to think about
never. so happy i'm a woman and if there's a next life, i want to be reincarnated as me.
Yeah always wanted to be a girl, i guess i will make do with being a lumber jack...
Alwaysss I wish i was a male and I assure you I'd make a bloody good male!
I am glad I don't have to deal with a period and the mood swings that comes with it.
Only reason men wish they were born as females is so they can get their pussy fucked by other men.
You think they're all secretly gay?
Of course.
For the simple reason that having a pussy gives a different feeling. A pussy is actually made for sexual intercourse. Same reason many gay men refer to their assholes as manpussy.
Opposite sex, not opposite gender. Sex is male or female. Gender is masculine or feminine.
No! Only wusses and perverts are insecure about their sex by questioning God‘s plans.
I'm not insecure about my sex
But there sure as hell is no
"God's plans" cause the tyrannical motherfucker doesn't exist
And if he does exist
He can fuck himself
Cause all his "religion" has ever done is divide humanity and spread hate
Sure there are a couple little good things about it but that's it
A few
Plain and simple
Fuck god and fuck his plans
But he doesn't exist so I'm good on that part
Wrong. People declares religions. God is about spirituality, not religion. You can't blame other people for how they deem God as.
Honestly yes and no I like having a dick but sometimes I just wonder what it's like on the other side if you know what I mean
No. But I thought it might be sweal it I was born both. With both sets of working genitals
So when someone says. "Go fuck yourself" I literally can
In the past, I wished I did so some things could be easier to handle, but overall, I like being a girl.
I do wonder what I would be like as a guy but I'm happy as a girl.
yeah sometimes, cause then getting laid would be easy xD
I like standing to pee and not having to wipe after peeing, plus no blood so yeah, I'm super glad to be a guy
Depends what part of the world I lived in. In the middle east, hell no. But in the western world were women are getting spoiled rotten thanks to feminism yes.
Too chicken shit to directly ask about transgenders, huh?
This cycle would never end. Doesn't change anything.
Nope but it would be great to be the opposite gender for a day just to see
God yes... if i couldve been a hot ass frmale instead... absolutely
Would probably be easier to get laid but I don't know. can't say
There are times but most of the time, nope. I'm already use to it.
I just wish I had the privileges
the women have
but i love being a man
we are more logical
Now that was truly logical! Well spoken, brother!
Could care less about feminist. They aren't men or women. Some kind of other lifeform... scary.
No it's not a rule/there's no rule. There's idiots on both sides of the gender thing.
I know I'm more logical that most people I meet. I don't care what their gender is. Simply being a gender has no bearing on my thinking. It's how a person acts that changes my thinking of them.
@Charlie_King Do I sound logical? Is there a test?
No but I think it would be cool to be the opposite gender for a day.
Yeah I do but that doesn't mean I'm going to change what I was born as
Don't trust anything that bleeds for 2 weeks and doesn't die
@Tomblebee I bleed for 3
@Jazzigirl Wowzas!
How long between start to start? I does that mean just one week's relief?
@Tomblebee yup, I went to the doctor and I'm getting something to stop the bleeding
@Jazzigirl Good luck with that! Hope it goes well!
I like being a guy but I’d lose the penis given the chance. So no.
If any of you girls want mine, you can have it. Get a doctor and it’s yours for free. It’s 7-8” and people say it looks good but I don’t want it. I’d rather donate it than just throw it in the trash...
No. I’m happy the way I am.
Sometimes, but then I see how much shit they have to endure, and I'm like, eh, I'm good, lol
Only about once a month 😂
I'd rather not periodically bleed from down below.
And have to birth small boulders from a tiny coin slot.
No, but im just adding to the discussion.
It was a good little joke :)
Nope. I'm pretty happy being a woman.
No. I'm happy as I am
I wish i was but I Just have to accept it as part of life
But I'm quite Happy with who i am and what i was born to be but i could always experience being a girl with vr and virtual reality but I'm quite thankful for technology and virtual reality vr headsets but in the next life i hope to be born as agirl but until then i'm Happy and thankful for what god made me. As god has a plan and for everything but until then thank you technology.
nope, i fuck women and girls , i dont wanna get fucked by men so i like being man
Nope. Love being a woman.
do you wish you were born with a heart and brain
This comment doesn't make sense to me
Can you elaborate please?
I envy women
I wish I was a woman! Better and superior gender.
Nooooooo. I would hate being a guy.
No... I can't imagine myself as a guy.
@sparkdog I enjoy being a woman? I mean, I certainly don't want to feel like a woman trapped in a male body.
@sparkdog no point for it really -- for just a day? Pass.
@sparkdog never thought of it
@sparkdog nothing out of ordinary. Again, I do not wish to be a guy.
@sparkdog nope no thanks
There's always virtual reality technology that even though it's expensive can allow you to experience things from a different experience being someone else though the headset it's really great
Thanks to vr technology it can do that and with vr technology you could experience things from a new perspective like ur able experience being a different gender through the headsets screen and go anywhere and do different things in the virtual world it's really great with vr technology available to day and it's just wonderful with vr headsets now. If i want to experience being a different gender i could put on my virtual reality vr headset and experience that.
@sparkdog I think you'd have to try being a guy in different life periods. Puberty, young adulthood, midlife, older. You can't just have a month as a man at some "stage" and feel the entire experience. Luckily, besides wanting a few male privileges, such as feeling safer in some situations, I've been fine about my body and being a female except for the not as strong as, having kids and periods issues.
@sparkdog No, I said the only reason I've ever thought about being a guy is because I am NOT as strong as a guy. Unless I take T, I can never be as strong as a guy. It's not my desire as a woman to be a roid woman.
I Love Being Born A Female I Created With Patience
No thanks. I would have a boner 24/7.
Yeah, but only if I could be a lesbian.
I love being a girl. I'd be a terrible guy!
same here-not much would change-but my mentality wouldn't.
Sure why not, womens fashion is way better.
I wish I were born a third gender.
What like born with both genders at the same time
Nah I quite like being a female
No I love being a female
No but i did think about what it would be like.
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