Uh oh! You died! But fear not! You get to be reincarnated as someone new. Which person do you choose to come back to life as?

The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions. ... By monkeys!
The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions. ... By monkeys!
Everyone depicted here lives in Seattle. Because Seattle sucks!
Everyone depicted here lives in Seattle. Because Seattle sucks!
You're going to be reincarnated, dude! Who do you pick to return down the road of life as?
I call Option D.
A 40 year old Flat-Earther Progressive virgin who still lives with his parents, writes Harry Potter and My Little Pony fan-fiction on the internet, cosplays at nerd conventions, and hates all conservatives/Democrats/"alt-righters."
A 30 year old sociopathic robotics engineer and computer scientist who psychologically abuses and gaslights anyone who gets close to him, tortures and kills small wild animals for amusement, and lives alone.
A 36 year old overweight, balding, antisocial incel who works as a parking lot guard who has a fast food and adult-movie addiction and is deathly afraid of most women.
A 26 year old 5'11" *gorgeous* young woman raised from the Midwest, who works as a secretary and office assistant, who also secretly has severe depression, loathes herself, thinks she's useless, and has no friends except for her dog.
A 28 year old rich-but-bitter black feminist who despises all men and attractive women and blames them for everything wrong in her life because she won't take responsibility and accountability for anything.
The Wizard of Oz, himself.
I'd rather go to Hell.
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1 y
Option A correction:
... and hates all conservatives/*Republicans/"alt-righters."
1 y
Nobody pointed out the entire Wizard of Oz cast parallels?
Uh oh! You died! But fear not! You get to be reincarnated as someone new. Which person do you choose to come back to life as?
15 Opinion