Have you found that birth order matters in life?

There have been countless psychological studies, books and articles on the subject matter. .. Do you believe in them? ! That it can somehow affect your view or views in life? ! It most likely will affect what kind of experiences you have, especially within your family, but what about outside of that? Do you feel that people can SENSE your birth order and treat you accordingly? !

What real life examples can you provide where it WAS indeed true!

Have you found that birth order matters in life?
Have you found that birth order matters in life?
Have you found that birth order matters in life?

Or am I just paranoid lol..

Me, for example, I was the last born and I don't know if I truly believe in it. My older brother (Technically he wasn't the first born because my mom had a misscarriage with her first pregnancy), but her second one (the one with my older brother), did take. I'd also be the Middle child, if it wasn't for her last misscarriage with my younger brother. What are your thoughts on the subject if you care to share! =)

Edit: I just read the description for Middle Child, maybe I do believe in it haha!

Have you found that birth order matters in life?
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