Help How Can I Pass The Written Driving Test?


I’m 25 and have no lisense. I began driving at 22 a late bloomer. I passed the test begining 2020 it was super easy like stupid questions. But I failed the behind the wheel test 2021 so I need retake the written test. I went only one time this year to take the test it was my last try I had left and failed that last try. Questions were harder and a lot of questions were about dotted lines on the floor, solid lines, and bicycle lanes and intersections. One question was about animals, what do u do if u have animals in your vehicle? Like a cow, horse, etc. i plan try take test next Friday when I’m paid. If I fail take it January for new year. Online practice tests are too easy and not questions the dmv asks. I’m smart but i was that perosn that failed tests got anxiety & got Cs never straight As. I got As on art classes only

Help How Can I Pass The Written Driving Test?
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