Any meaning behind ex liking/commenting on Facebook statuses?

So recently, my ex has been liking and commenting on my statuses on Facebook.

To further elaborate...

My dog ended up in the vet hospital (she's fine now) and I had a few statuses about it. She messaged me "Not trying to open a can of worms, but what's wrong with the dog?"

Another was a quote from friends (our favorite show we always watched every night (it was on TV and funny so I made it my status).

The other was a funny story I saw unfold at the grocery store (something that happened before when we were together) and she commented "OMG was it the same guy? Hahaha"

Thing is, we broke up, two months later tried for three months to work things out (I moved two hours away because of the Army and school). Suddenly, she didn't want to talk anymore and next thing I know she's dating someone else. It hurt like hell but I wasn't incredibly mad because we weren't back together yet. That fling fell apart I guess (I didn't ask too much about it) and we met up to look through our things.

When we met up, we ended up in a heated and emotional conversation. First it was "I don't love you anymore," then it was "we just aren't going to work, it can't," then "I'm not in the right frame of mind, I've gone through a lot and I'm still upset about everything," and "us having this conversation right now isn't helping you."

So she said she doesn't think she loves me anymore (I called her a liar), and is probably just trying to process everything that has happened between us, and to her. She also moved into her own place and I moved into mine too, so we live two hours apart.

Does the recent fb activity hold any meaning? Am I right in thinking that she does still have feelings for me? What should be my best plan of action?

I do still love her and do forgive her because I understand what she's been going through.
Any meaning behind ex liking/commenting on Facebook statuses?
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