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In my experience, your quality of life goes way up until a certain amount, and then it plateaus. This is typically around $80k in the US, depending on where you live. That's the point where you no longer have to live your life stressing over your finances just to scrape by, you can afford nice things, and there's a huge weight off your shoulders. Beyond that amount of money, your quality of life changes very little.
If you're making $35k a year, getting paid $60k a year is gonna feel awesome. But if you're not happy making $100k a year, making $10M a year isn't going to do a damn thing to help.
I think everything would be a LOT better if almost nobody made $1M+ a year, but ordinary people making $30-50k made $60-80k instead.
Money no. But it makes one problem less to worry about (if the income is good)
In a roundabout way, it does nut, it really doesn't. It can allow you to never have to worry about how to pay your bills (if you have a lot of it) and, thereby, keep from being sad. It can also buy you things that can help make you happy but, money alone can't make you happy. If you've got a few million but can't use it for anything, what good is it? If having lots of bits of paper or coins that you can play with makes you happy, or if giving it away to help others makes you happy, okay but, otherwise, it CAN'T make you happy.
true story...
Not happiness, but security and less stress.
That's the biggest thing for me.
I often say, I'd like to be part of a research study on this, I just need someone to finance those billions so we can see if money brings happiness.
Personally though, money does not bring happiness but it brings stability. Stability brings happiness. I had that phase in my life of moving too much due to instability and my situation made me very unhappy.
Also not happy if I wonder how I'm going to eat, or pay my bills.
Yes. I think a good 90% of my problems would be solved by money. I’m not saying I want to be rich so I can have gold plated toilet seats, but it would be nice not having to choose between paying bills or getting groceries because I can’t afford to do both 🥴
In certain ways it does. We live on a huge property off grid with a river in the back yard and we have two nice cars but would I be just as happy living paycheck to paycheck in an apartment in the city? Probably!! So I don't know it gives a certain freedom but happiness? Probably not
To an extent I do think money can actually bring happiness by providing stability and meeting our wants and needs. After a certain point, say, when people accumulate a lot of wealth, no. I think after a certain point money no longer generates happiness, it just exists.
For the past 11 years I've owned an auto shop w/my husband. We have no kids and nvr will. Just have bills and taxes to pay. We have a lot of money to blow. Does that make us happy? Hell no. We both have inner unmet needs from childhood problems that we take out on each other.. he drinks, I smoke.. money can't fix that! I donate a lot of $ to our local shelter b/c they need it more than us. We need love more than $ .. and something to eat. lol
Cue the "Money can buy X, but not Y" i. e money can buy pills, but not sleep.
Happiness and money are false goals to aim for.
Happiness is a temporary state. No one in existence has ever been "always happy". Money is something you make and spend, But people only want to make it, rarely spend it, and that's one reason they are unhappy.
Sure. I made $100 on Chevron stock today so I donated it to Ukrainian refugees through CORE. It's a small gesture but I feel slight happiness that I can help a family a little. You can do the same...
No. Genuine love would bring me happiness. But hey, that ain't happening to my short-ass! So, might as well get rich and drink my way into fake happiness!
well money can buy more motorcycles and go fast parts for my cars and those make me happy, so I would have to say yes.
In reality it really can't, but it can't buy happiness, but it can allow you to buy things that you enjoy, just not people.
And, if you have a lot of money, then do they really like you for yourself, or what you could afford.
Some of the wealthiest landowners in the world are the British Royal family and with only a few notable exceptions they have all been pretty miserable people
Most lottery winners are bankrupt within five years
Robin Williams committed suicide.
Poverty make misery, but money doesn't make happiness.
No, I have everything I neee that money can buy but still have that feeling of emptiness because I've acquired it all solo rather than having someone to share it with.
Temporary happiness.
I rather save. People like my sister rather spend an entire check on a shopping spree.
Lunatics that don’t know better rely on money for happiness.
I can be happy just having a great boyfriend, great sex, me having great looks and great body. NUFF SAID
No but it does make it easier.
Since I’ve become “richer” (but I’m not proper rich) the attention I get has risen from both men and women…
People look at you different when your a homeowner and turn up in a flashy car.
But it does bring problems with it, it’s not all a walk in the park….
At a certain level, money brings happiness. You need to be able to eat, have a house, transportation, pay medical bills, and do some extras. However, after a certain level (it was $70k years ago) they found that incremental increases in money do not bring incremental happiness. The law of diminishing marginal utility.
I chose yes because I'm a broke ass bitch who barely makes it by each month. If someone even plops $100 into my lap it changes my life. Pathetic I know but yes, for me, money does make me happier.
Yes but not complete happiness. I’d say shoot for enough money to live and play but not so much that makes life lack surprise and interest.
Remember Bezos recently paid the biggest divorce settlement in history because of his affair. Romney keeps running for any political office. Trump…well…he’s not rich.
„I have friends, I have attorneys. Money buys a lot of attorneys and friends.“
- Catherine Tramell, Basic Instinct
Money doesn’t directly bring me happiness, but money makes life a lot easier with paying bills and necessities, which in turn makes me less stressed, and money can also pay for fun experiences, which makes me happy.
If you make less than what it makes to live comfortable that can create a lot of stress so I believe more money would bring some peace but excess money does not create happiness.
I voted yes. But money, itself doesn't bring happiness. A person can have lots of money and still be unhappy. However, it sure sucks not to have enough money for food, shelter and security. "No mon, no fun", as they say.
To a degree, it reduces things to worry about and it gives freedom because you are not really forced to do anything. All that makes it easier to be happy. But it doesn't guarantee it.
At least it does to me.
I know that I will not be getting that many chances with the way I look, so focus on the things that matter next, money to live. So it makes me happy!
Quick answer:
As someone once said, "Money may not bring you happiness, but it can help you choose the kind of misery that you want to live in."
Good enough.
With money, you can afford a good therapist to help work out your personal issues. And if you're married, with money you can afford a good marriage therapist. You can also do charitable works.
Not directly, but it does reduce stress by meaning you're not worrying about bills or affording food and can attract those who are attracted to money so can also relieve (to an extent) lonliness.
Not happiness, but a comfortable living.
If you happen to stupid billionaire rich. You become one of the protected elites and get to help control the world though globalization
Only poor people ask this. Of course it doesn't. It isn't suppose too... It's there to make your life more comfortable. Poor people just want a rationale for not earning more money. Basically so they can stay mediocre.
money has never gave me peace of mind. the only thing it would help is give freedom and manuevering space to pursue things that will bring happiness
No it doesn´t. At least no to because I always I could have more of it plus there are so many things you can´t get for money.
it's not the money but all the things I'm able to provide with it... for myself and others
my bankers are fucking ecstatic, though...
Money brings security; I'll never have to worry about money again, but it doesn't automatically bring happiness.
ask a homeless person if money brings them happiness. yes money brings me happiness. iv been living in poverty all my life and thats something you do not want to go through. money buys food, clothing, homes, the basic necessities of life.
No one has ever said to their boss "please cut my wages toand bring me happiness"
A level of wealth can bring financial stability which eliviates pressures from life. But it's not everything
There are a lot of things that can make you unhappy, one of them is being poor. Trust me, I know.
Not so far, but if you're conducting an experiment, I'd be glad to try it and see!
Beyond enough to make a comfortable living, no. If you have $100 million and your life isn't happy then getting another $100 million isn't going to make it better.
Money can buy you a nice house, chances to fulfill your dreams, live in luxury as well as sex.
What money can't do is find you true love, so good luck on that :))
No, but is sure as hell makes your life comfortable.
Definitely yes For me.
Happiness cannot be found in a money situation true happiness depends on you money does though indeed make it a lot easier to find yourself to the doors of happiness.
Assuming you mean lots of riches and materialism then no.
What brings happiness is fearing God, living right, being grateful and learning to be content in life, not having a bunch of stuff.
It help get rid of bills, pay for food and buy cars.
Money would solve all my current issues. So yeah, it definitely makes me happy.
No but I’d rather cry in a mansion or on a plane you get me 😂
Maturity comes when you get to know money can actually buy happiness
Yes it's true
Not really. But the ability to help someone in need, yes.
Yes but to a degree. Having the money itself won’t make me happy but the ability to use it for what I want to do is how it brings happiness.
In many ways, yes. But you can’t buy the most important kinds like love.
I say “Money can buy happiness, but not joy.”
No because that type of attachment keeps us in the reincarnation cycle before becoming a bodhisattva transforming into a fully enlightened Buddha.
Being born a rich kid. My dad had about 1 million saved up. It did not.
Yes, but only if you know how to use it properly. Spending. Money on experiences , rather than "things".
Money is something that gives women happiness as that's the only thing women care about, men don't really care about money that much, love would make a man happy, so in the most no money doesn't always bring me happiness.
It make things easy but not happier. I know some rich people but they aren’t that happy.
Absolutely we live in a capitalist society. You can't get anything nor enjoy life without money
No, that is why Millionaires kill themselves in Mansions!
Yes, of course. You can buy anything with money (especially politicians).
Money may not buy happiness but have you every tried to buy it without money?
I don't know that money essentially brings you happiness but it certainly doesn't hurt Lol 😉
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