My boyfriend liked his ex photo on instagram. do I have a right to be upset?

My boyfriends ex does not like me, and he has told me this before. She thinks I “stole” him away from her and has feelings for him still. He told me several times that he does not like her and doesn’t have the intent to speak to her. After I expressed to him that I don’t like that he is still in communication with her, he stopped. He told me he was only there for her because she has a lot going on. So I left it alone. Two months ago, I realized they followed each other again. This was after she blocked him for posting me on social media. I called him out for it, and he told me she followed him and he followed her back. I left it alone. We broke up because we were having way too many issues, and we expressed that we will still be exclusive and our boundaries are still in place until I believe he grew up. I was scrolling through instagram and I saw that he liked a selfie she posted a day ago, even though he doesn’t follow her, therefore I broke up with him because I believe he didn’t respect my boundaries. I had asked him why he did it, and he told me “she has a lot going on”.

Literally he pinned it back to me and made it seem as if I’ve done the same thing, however, I never have and would try to find a way to make it seem as if we were both in the wrong. He has always done this in a relationship, and would get mad if I communicated with him my emotions on how he treated me, and say I don’t appreciate him and I’m “self-centered”

Do I have a right to feel the way I do? I feel as if he’s allowing her access back into his life, and it’s bluntly disrespectful towards me to be liking an ex’s photos who has expressed her dislike of me.

The only problem is, in the relationship; he has done everything right. He has supported me and comforted me in times I needed it, despite the fact that he needs to grow emotionally. I don’t know if how I acted was too harsh over him liking a photo on instagram.
My boyfriend liked his ex photo on instagram. do I have a right to be upset?
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