Can any of you people speak fluent Dinosauria?

I’m not talking about those noises 3 year olds make when they’re watching Land Before Time that will make them cringe unbelievably hard 20 years later upon remembering it at 3 am. I mean smooth, accurate, convincing Dinosaur. Remember Legacy Tease? Hmmm? You do remember it right? I’ve been promoting it like a bajillion times. I also told you who I voice act for. So far my most remarkable line was for Ichthyovenator when the Allosaurus charged towards Steve.
+1 y
I tried talking to a bird a few minutes ago. I don’t know if they understood, but they did look at me with a sort of confused look. I think that bird thought I was twippin twippin
Can any of you people speak fluent Dinosauria?
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