Is it OK to make up your words? ?


I’m officially coining the word gamiocracy. Was kind of deep and thought when I come up with this conundrum.

I was basically contemplating the ideas between. If there is a God if there is not a God. If there is not a god then who cares about Morale they or an a logical thinking why not just do whatever the hell makes you comfortable.

if there is or is not a God then we’re living in a gamiscory. In which case we should live up to his herse she them (Here’s meaning of god hers meaning of goddess and meaning multiple gods and goddesses or whatever you like to believe)

My primary issue is how the hell are we supposed to know whether or not a god a goddess multiple gods or goddesses exist but how do we know they don’t exist. So how can anybody prove or disapprove anything except what we have observed with her all night and what science as time as to believe but science is always questioning which is why I guess both sides have a stupid argument because you can’t prove or disprove anything you’re on a belief for countries to call just as one they need to hold a belief if you want to divide a country have multiple bullies far as me and I keep thinking and get back to you

Is it OK to make up your words? ?
3 Opinion