Noah's Ark, The Untenable Proposition

@Gord777 recently asked Did you know that Science (Knowledge) Only Proves what the Bible Teaches and has been teaching for thousands of...
6 28

Is this to much to ask for in life? or am I asking to much

Tis me again, coming out of the darkness and from under my bridge Been thinking a lot. Maybe its too much to ask for. why does...
3 0

Why I Can View Religion as a Beautiful Thing Even Though I'm Not Religious

Previously, I wrote "Confessions of a Raised Christian" in which I received many different responses. Click Here to View my Previous...
8 31

Midnight figs: Existential Endeavors (the afterlife, dreams, and other dimensions)

Every now and again, usually around midnight, I'll be dozing off, zoning out, staring at a speck on the wall, and all of a sudden an...
3 4

Seven BRIEF Ways You Can Use Christianity To Lengthen Your Life

Build friends and relationships and interact with people. Research shows that social isolation is as bad for your health as smoking 20...
6 19

The Book of Steve has Been Revealed to the World! Join us!

Welcome to Penguinism! *It should be noted that this denomination of Penguinism is not associated with any previously existing version...
2 3

6 Problems with Christianity, v1

I am a reform Jew. I was Bar Mitzvahed, went to Hebrew School after Bar Mitzvah, but don't say I know about Judaism at all. Nor do I...
3 9

Does anyone seriously believe that Hell would be fun? If so, why?

I'm sure that in most cases, people are joking around when they say things like that. But does anyone seriously think that Hell would be...

Why have I been discriminated against most of my life for my conservative, Judeo-Christian beliefs?

People hate me for standing up for my beliefs. Always have. :(

Can some ancient carving just be an ancient rendition of a modern device?

Ancient Helicopter? Ancient people had no idea what came out of the sky. They just depicted what they saw in their own way. But they...

How do you know if your dream was from God?

Are there any signs that you would know that the dream you had was from God? Sometimes I don't know if it is a sign or not

Who is the STRONGEST of all GODS?

(No offense meant please)
20 89

Would You Marry Someone Of A Different Faith?

TBH we all believe in something regardless of if you are religious or not. So this doesn't just count for religious people but...
32 66

Is humanity itself the world's biggest problem?

Not necessarily a spiritual question, but it seemed appropriate.
1 15

Religious people; if your god asked you to kill someone would you do it?

Say you're 100% certain that this is a request from your god, that the god thinks you need to kill this person, like NEED to. You don't...
5 18

Would it be dumb if I become christian because of this?

So I have been non religious for years and I am 17 by the way. Last night I prayed to God asking that if Christanity is not the right...
0 10

If a woman claimed she was a virgin and that her recently born child was the son of God, would people believe her?

Imagine the conditions surrounding the birth of Jesus in the Bible were repeated and a woman claiming to be a virgin gave birth to a...
22 57

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