Midnight figs: Existential Endeavors (the afterlife, dreams, and other dimensions)


Midnight figs: Existential Endeavors (the afterlife, dreams, and other dimensions)

Every now and again, usually around midnight, I'll be dozing off, zoning out, staring at a speck on the wall, and all of a sudden an idea will pop into my head. If, the next morning, I can recall what the idea was, I try to decipher it. Most of the time it's just a bunch of nonsense."if we glued chairs to the ceiling, we could survive a nuclear war." How would that work? I don't know, that was three in the morning. How does anything work at three in the morning? But every now and then I'll relinquish the controls and allow my mind to take me wherever it wants. One night, two weeks ago, I had one of these trips. Scientifically inaccurate. Logically deaf. And for some reason, I thought to myself, "I should share this crap."

If possible, I highly recommend waiting until you are half or more asleep to read this post. If not, at least watch the video above first. This will trigger a simulated high. I highly advise against reading this if you are fully awake. Your logic centers will fracture in the process, trying to bend backwards to meet a point of understanding that does not exist. There will be no understanding, no logic, no rational thinking in this post.


If you search for life on google, this is one of the first images you'll come across

Well, 26th
Well, 26th

This is the first image you'll come across

Midnight figs: Existential Endeavors (the afterlife, dreams, and other dimensions)

Accompanied by the caption "Is there an upside to having no social life." I suppose google is trying to tell me something. I hear you google. Loud and clear.

I've always found life and the universe and science fascinating. The mere idea that I'm able to see and experience the world through a vessel and all of those words I just typed mean nothing objectively and are the creation of other vessels experiencing the world.

I used to find it depressing, how small I am compared to the universe. How small humans are. Now that's not the case. I view life the way I view Santa Claus and Christmas. Christmas is more fun when you don't know the truth. (Unless you're an adult. In which case the idea of an invincible psychic bearded man breaking into your house via the chimney, eating your food and giving you mysterious boxes based on your behavior the past 18 plus years is not so thrilling.)

Not knowing why this or that happens is part of what makes life fun. And finding out what makes this or that happen would undoubtedly be absolutely terrifying. And is terrifying. The absence of truth allows us to form our own truths. Religions are a sort of guidebook through life, but even religion carries a lot of unknowns.

I don't know string theory. I can't explain the science behind the theory of the multiverse. I'm not a genius, just an individual with a very active imagination. This isn't a "theory" of how life works, but a guess. in all likelihood, 99.9999999 etc.%, An incorrect guess. But a guess nonetheless.

Midnight figs: Existential Endeavors (the afterlife, dreams, and other dimensions)

Dreams are the windows into the soul. But what is the soul? It's not tangible. It's the purest version of ourselves. What makes us unique. Scientifically speaking, our brains are what make us unique. Our memories, our experiences. Our beliefs. In a sense, everything stems from the brain. The brain allows us to feel. Allows us to see. Allows us to hear and touch. Allows us to imagine. Processes our memories. Connect. Our brain is what makes us truly... us. If our soul is our true selves, our soul is located somewhere within our brain. Somewhere deep within us.

Our brain sends signals, activating our body to act in specific ways. Our finger twitches, our arm bends. Our foot rotates. But these aren't the result of thoughts and thoughts do not control certain parts of our bodies... our lungs, heart, and brain for example. How can the heart know the correct tempo to beat at? Know it before anybody consciously understands rhythm or timing or pumping mechanisms? Our heart keeps our body alive. But how? A deeper part of our brain sends signals. Pump. Pause. Pump. Pause. Something outside of our control. We can control our breathing to an extent and, to a lesser extent, our heart rate through our breathing. But, after a minute or so, the lungs automatically activate and we're out of breath and take in breaths. The brain tells the lungs and the aioli (that's a dipping sauce I think... not that) aveoli? Something to take in air (this is where my biology education ends and the guesswork begins.) Anyways, the brain's signals cannot be stopped. But how is that? And which part of our brain regulates the frequency of the outgoing signals? It's as if some sort of logic is ingrained in us. A more elementary logic. Going back some large number of years (my sense of history isn't any better) cavemen existed. Everything they did was instinctual. But what are instincts?

Maybe instincts are our subconscious. Maybe our subconscious is our truest self. Dreams are manifestations of our subconscious.

Midnight figs: Existential Endeavors (the afterlife, dreams, and other dimensions)

Death. There's a lot we don't know about death. Science says we decompose and worms consume us. In life, we consume worms. Not just gummy worms, actual worms. Prey becomes predator. Backwards. We shrink in death, whereas we grow in life. So much of death is backwards. The opposite of what we know to be true of life. And it's unclear how time works seeing as it's only possible to compare one corpse to another corpse. A live human doesn't decay the way a corpse does. Does time even make sense applied to death?

The strange things that happen in our dreams don't occur in death. But there's less flotsam in death. Dreams are more complex. In a dream it is certainly possible to be eaten by a worm. In a dream time doesn't work the same way. Nothing does.

What if our subconscious is part of a different dimension? Where the rules don't apply, where cells are not the building blocks. Whatever energy exists in that other dimension, we cannot understand. Dreams are an entrance into that other dimension where the concepts of space, time, and continuity do not exist. Because we are not the energy of the other dimension we are not able to experience or decipher it the way that dimension would. We are limited by our processing abilities. What we understand as logic is replaced by an entirely different concept... one we are not able to grasp.

Midnight figs: Existential Endeavors (the afterlife, dreams, and other dimensions)

If the contents of our subconscious surfaces when we sleep, maybe the same is true in death. But, in sleep, our consciousness kicks in sometimes even violating the dream we are having. In death, that consciousness would not be present. The concepts of time and space would not be present. Without actually being forever, the vision may feel like forever. Or maybe it is forever as forever actually is or something beyond forever. Whatever memories, beliefs you're filled with would transfer to your subconscious. If you believe in heaven and lived a good life, you would exist in heaven. If you believe in hell and lived a bad life, you would exist in hell. If you believed in neither you would exist in some sort of in between state. Would that mean heaven and hell aren't real? No, that would mean heaven and hell are more than real. They are part of a higher dimension, a thing that transcends reality. If the dimming of our conscious minds activates our subconscious, the total absence should send our subconscious into overdrive.

Midnight figs: Existential Endeavors (the afterlife, dreams, and other dimensions)

Maybe dimensions isn't the right term, maybe... other ethereal planes of existence. Our plane, a higher plane, a higher plane still. Until the highest plane is reached. Although height is a human construct. So why should it be this way? The concepts of height and dominance probably don't exist outside of our own plane. So there is no "higher plane." Just something more.

There has to be. Nothing, as we understand it, cannot produce something. A concept that would literally blow up our minds must exist. But not a concept and not exist. Those are human constructs. What would that even mean? It would be completely illogical. As dreams are entirely illogical. Dreams follow no set of understandable logic. Dreams could be glimpses into the thing that created all of this. Whatever creation means to that thing.

Just something to think about. If this were true, all religions are valid all religions something but not exist, they transcend existence.

It's over. Finally it's over. What's a relief. What a mindfuck. Imagining words and how those are just creations but how creation is a human construct that may not exist outside. There are colors we cannot see but we do not know what these colors are because our only reference point is colors we've seen, what would they even be.

I need a drink. Have a good night everybody!

Part of another dimension? Must be. It's just that tasty
Part of another dimension? Must be. It's just that tasty
Midnight figs: Existential Endeavors (the afterlife, dreams, and other dimensions)
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