Why the Impossible is Improbable - Bible Talk

The bible says all things are possible with God and I believe this means God can help you achieve anything you desire, but I do not...
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The romance that God curses - a break up explanation

God supports relationships that are used to glorify God and operate within the chastity boundaries established by Him And Jesus opposes...
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What the Bible Teaches About Life Hopes

I had one dream 9 years ago where God said, the more success I wanted to attain to, the more humble I would have to be. I had another...
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A dream that God gave me about control and safety

A few years ago, God came to me in a dream and told me that if I take care of the things in my life that I have control over, that God...
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Cost of Knowledge: Why Growth Should Be Slow

This is a symbolic portrayal of Adam and Eve, the first man and woman in the bible who contaminated all their future children by tree of...
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A pattern I noticed about religious people

What I’ve observed from viewing my life and the life of others, is that sometimes attacks are stronger when your closer to approaching...
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Why Christians do not have to cry over spilt milk

I know multiple woman from my church who lost out on romantic relationships when they were not at fault: they were faithful and godly...
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Why are my dreams so much beautiful then real life?

In my dreams I tend to see my myself in third person, and I don’t even look like myself i look more beautiful, and vibrant and so do my...

Why do so many religious Christians and Catholics vent about lust, etc but yet many of those same religous people use people to get money, etc?

There have always been a ton of Christians and Catholics who rant about lust, sex before marriage, etc yet do sins like manipulation...

Isn't it ironic how most religious Christians and Catholics always cherry picked sins?

Most of them always made a big deal of lust, etc but have no problem with people using others which is also a sin. If you think and...

Is there anybody else depressed about these days being the last days, if they really are the last days?

Especially if you are a Christian, there is a higher than normal chance that these could really be the last days and frankly it sucks...

Are you just waiting around to die, or are you living life to the fullest?

Inspired by this amazing creature I saw in a store, in "bondage".
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Had a weird dream last night were my coworker died from natural causes? Don’t know the guy very well. Should I say something?

I had a vivid dream where I found out one of my colleagues passed away from natural causes (heart attack, stroke, etc.). I am not...
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Does Leviticus 23:14 say that we are not allowed to eat shrek's ears?

The king james bible, a previous decade survey proved to be the most popular version: And ye shall eat neither bread, nor parched corn,...
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