How I view the path and key to knowledge - Bible Talk

I believe that the key to knowledge is justice and the path to knowledge is obedience, until you understand God’s justice, and accept it...
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What my Buddhist cousin taught me about life

Years ago, I was having a conversation with my cousin when I was trying to deny some unpleasant facts that I didn’t want to acknowledge...
3 9

What I believe the most common sin is - It’s not what you think

If you ask me what the most common sin is, I would say it’s slander and wrongful accusation. I had Christians Unfriend me for...
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How the bible helped me cope with my moderate level depression

I used to get upset over things I could not control such as the past misdeeds of others, my normal looking face, my normal I.Q. range...
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Why you don’t have to surround yourself with bad people

The bible says those who are wise and professionally talented will associate with high quality people and not with layman’s riff raft or...
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A mandatory moral and social clause - most people ignore

I believe that it’s essential to your religious life that you give people the benefit of the doubt, in university during my first...
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How I interpret Matthew 6:33 - with an added bonus

The bible says in Matthew 6:33 that if you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, than all things will be added unto you....
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Are you related to religions?

Are you related to religions

Is it the religion of God?

Is it the religion of God?

Do you believe life loses its blessing if you go through it without a vision?

My cousins are all rich and they have vacations and families and restaurants and husbands or wives, but I feel almost none of them have...

What could this dream mean in the real world?

I had a dream that right when somebody was going to eradicate me, God sent somebody into their life to eradicate them so that they were...

Is the world flat or round?

Earth is flat and has four pillars.. and does not move as per Bible 📖 I'm a Christian and I believe the world is flat. Whatever the...
10 22

Why do people say suicide is a sin?

I thought the quote “thou shalt not kill” in the Bible only refers to illegal killing. Suicide is not illegal in most countries. Suicide...

Why doesn’t God reward his followers?

Stats are clear…more religion = more poverty, crime, etc. Why?
3 14

Believe in the horoscope as an effective means to predict the future?

I watch videos on you tube of tarot readers who make the cards and I have been right in many things, the other day a girl predicted that...
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