
Search Results: incest

Awkward incest?

I was pointed to this forum instead of Quora or Reddit as was meant to be more serious. So here goes. I live upstairs in an apartment. I've had the same neighbour downstairs for almost 3 years. We rarely spoke other than...
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What do you think of this song about incest?

You have English subtitles. The singer was raped by her father.
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What is your definition on PRO-LIFE, PRO-CHOICE, PRO-ABORTION?

What's your definition and which of my definition fits you most (poll)? My definitions: Pro-choice: Don't necessary see abortion as positive, necessarily or negative. They may think it depends from case to case,...
What's your definition and which of my definition fits you most (poll)? My definitions: Pro-choice: Don't necessary see abortion as positive, necessarily or negative. They may Show More
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Is this really what you want, THIS is what you are arguing for?

No exceptions for rape or incest. Banning contraception. Did someone mention forced births? Domestic supply of infants. All of you who say abortion is okay for rape and incest. These places don't agree... I don't know...
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Is the USA prepared for the increased amounts of death that will occur without safe access to abortion?

Doctors in states that allow for limited abortions are already waiting too long to give women abortions until it's almost too late to save the mother. An entoptic pregnancy can be fatal for the host & does not produce a...
Doctors in states that allow for limited abortions are already waiting too long to give women abortions until it's almost too late to save the mother. An entoptic pregnancy can be Show More
Probably Yes
Probably Not
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Would you take orders from a leader by bloodline?

The Windsor's have no real political power but still have servants.
The Windsor's have no real political power but still have servants. Show More
Hell no
Sure, whoever’s in charge
Not sure
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Why do people keep voting for these republican pedophiles?

And now there is another one.
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Would This Be A Fair Resolution To The Reproduction Rights Debate?

Liberals in the United States are constantly saying that we should be more like Europe. Well when it comes to abortion laws, in most of the countries in Europe, the choice cutoff is between 12 weeks and 20 weeks. In...
Liberals in the United States are constantly saying that we should be more like Europe. Well when it comes to abortion laws, in most of the countries in Europe, the choice cutoff is Show More
Yes. I'm pro-life, and I believe that this is a reasonable compromise.
Yes. I'm pro-choice, and I believe that this is a reasonable compromise.
Yes. I'm pro-late-term abortion, and I believe that this is a reasonable compromise.
No. I'm an unreasonable conservative and believe that all pregnancies should be born.
No. I'm an unreasonable liberal and believe that all pregnancies can be terminated at any time.
I generally like your resolution, but it needs a few tweaks.
I've got no opinion and/or I don't care.
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So is the Speaker and Fox News now providing resources to become good Conservative Christians Values ? Mike Johnson's Wife Runs Counseling Service That Compares Being Gay To Bestiality, Incest The wife of newly...
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Dear Republicans - Do you take ownership of this person and the comments made by this individual? GOP Lawmaker Dubiously Claims Amendment Would Let 1-Year-Olds Get Abortions A Republican politician in Missouri...
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Who do you keep or want to pander to so you can get back into the white house? Former President Donald Trump has discussed supporting a national 16-week abortion ban,...
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11 Amazing Facts About Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt was culturally less influenced by other countries due to the Sinai desert, so ancient Egyptian culture is amazing and filled with secrets for us. 1. Men were doing make-up like women The Egyptians believed...

"G@G Order!" the brand new game show!

Sometimes a website is just designed to silence people. The admin that run it, and the moderators maintain it. But what if you were to abuse that system as a mod. What if you were to make others feel threatened, or too...

What Do Presidential Candidates Think About Abortion

I previously wrote a take on the candidates, but it was last year and pretty just about what I think of their hair. This take will be about what each current presidential candidate think about abortion. It won't include...

Abortion Debate: Both Sides Are Flawed

ATTENTION: This is a very sensitive topic that many people take personally. If you cannot handle this topic or even read my take on this first, please leave now. Okay. Now that we've gotten the hard part out of the way,...

Why I'm Pro-Life & My Answers To Pro-Choice Arguments

I'm a pro-lifer and in this controversial MyTake I'm going to share my opinion with you. I think seeing the value in a human life is important. Nobody should have the authority to decide who has and hasn't the right to...

Why I Can Never Be Pro-Choice

I'm going to sum this myTake up by saying that I'll be addressing each of my personal roadblocks that prevent me from accepting the Pro-Choice mindset as well as many sayings and slogans I find just... are wrong... or...

A pseudo psychological analysis of my home life

I start off with stating that I have not written this myTake, at least not all of it. This started out as an answer on one of my questions by fellow G@ger @Kakella. We kept discussing it in private and I found the whole...

If Pro Choice People Are Feeling Unheard Right Now, Here’s 10 Changes To The Argument To Be Understood In A Time When Abortion Is Under Attack

1. Stop calling it a women’s issue. Everyone with two eyes and a brain knows that there’s plenty of women that don’t support it. It just makes you seem out of touch. Just like some men support it and some don’t, some...