If Pro Choice People Are Feeling Unheard Right Now, Here’s 10 Changes To The Argument To Be Understood In A Time When Abortion Is Under Attack

We all want to be understood
We all want to be understood

1. Stop calling it a women’s issue. Everyone with two eyes and a brain knows that there’s plenty of women that don’t support it. It just makes you seem out of touch. Just like some men support it and some don’t, some women do and some don’t. The mislabel doesn’t help and makes it seem like you don’t even bother looking at any real data.

2. Accept the past of planned parenthood and its mistakes. The racist beginnings and issues with refusing to show ultrasounds makes things look like they aren’t transparent…which they aren’t. This needs to be owned and moved away from. Surely we can’t cancel Chris Harrison for a picture of someone else that someone else took years ago, and still be fine with planned parenthood. There needs to be an acknowledgment. Any prolifer knows this and it shows hypocrisy on the pro choice end if it’s just ignored.

3. The argument needs to move away from “you just want to control women’s bodies”. Casting bad intentions on someone and putting words in their mouth is a horrible and immature social skill and a great way to end marriages. Come on people, we’re better that. How can we be seeing someone say “this is a living person and I don’t want them to die” and label them as evil, even if we don’t agree with the premise. We need to all call down. We need to acknowledge that the prolife stance often comes from a place of very good intentions and stop intentionally blinding ourselves to that. If conservatives feel heard, they’ll be more willing to listen.

4. We need to stop cutting men out of the conversation. Many doctors are men, and they have a say even though they can’t have babies. Men are completely involved. Half of the fetuses are male. Taking peoples voices away is un American. Or at least against what America should be.

5. We need to accept that we’re grateful that we were never aborted. We need to accept that it’s bad to be aborted. This whole display of “look how much this doesn’t bother me” just looks like “look how little compassion I have”. Shout your abortion is gross and everyone knows it. You’re losing your own argument here. You’re showing your own lack of morals. You make us look stupid. We are not stupid.

6. We need to address and push back against the extremes of the pro choice argument. There are actual democrats stating that if a baby survives an abortion, we should kill them. These people should be in jail and they stain the whole movement with their darkness.

7. anyone who claims to be pro choice needs to look up how early a fetus can feel pain, and then watch an abortion. There needs to be real understanding before a stance is taken. Undergoing any operation requires that the patient be completely informed before they undergo surgery, and this should be the same. The fact that someone is trying to hide something from us girls should set off some alarms. We need to completely understand what it is we’re fighting for before we start fighting. We need to be in control of what we are doing.

8. We need to stop using the argument of “so many women will die if abortion is illegal because they’ll go get illegal ones!” Unfortunately (or fortunately), conservatives are smarter than that. They can see that people saying that don’t care about those women because if they did, they’d be telling people not to have illegal abortions. No one is saying that. No one. It smells like democrats want the women to die to show that they were right. We need to tell women to stay far away from illegal abortions. We need to care about our citizens more than that.

9. We need to stop bringing up rape and incest as if the pro choice person hasn’t ever thought of that. Some of them are against it in those cases, but many are not. Most see those as exceptions and we look stupid when we say that. We are not stupid. We shouldn’t look like it. The issue being discussed is in the majority of women who were irresponsible. We need to teach people how to avoid abortions in the first place. This is real. Sex comes with consequences. Consequences do not equal punishments, they equal outcomes. There are ways to prevent. While the sexual Revolution has brought many good things, pretending that pregnancy is a virus that we catch randomly makes us look stupid. We are not stupid. If we’re so concerned about giving these people autonomy, we need to teach them how to keep it. Abortion is about taking autonomy back after losing it. We need to teach how not to lose it at all. Contraception people. Come on.

10. We need to stop telling people “how dare you say adopt! I don’t see you adopting anyone!” That’s because this person is under control of their family planning. It’s the person getting an abortion that was irresponsible (expect for rape, danger to mother and incest) not the pro life person. It’s not on the pro life person to clean up the pro choice mess.

This topic sends people into rage so quickly, and if we want to gain any ground on either side, we need to start by listening. Leave the immature arguments behind. Our leaders are bad leaders in America. They’re bad. We shouldn’t learn how to debate and discuss from them. We know what maturity looks like and we need to display it. I really hope we can bring down the rhetoric to a productive level and bring America back together. I hope you want the same thing

If Pro Choice People Are Feeling Unheard Right Now, Here’s 10 Changes To The Argument To Be Understood In A Time When Abortion Is Under Attack
55 Opinion