
Search Results: makeup or not makeup

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My boyfriends mum says I look beautiful with and without makeup but look better with makeup, is this an insult?

She is kind to me and treats me to new clothes, gave us spending money for our vacation/holiday and will occasionally take me and my boyfriend out for dinner but am I good enough for her son? whilst we was out shopping...
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If someone says you have the "perfect face for makeup" is that an insult or compliment?

my friends and I got our makeup professionally done for prom last weekend. I almost never wear makeup, except for a little mascara and lip gloss sometimes. we were waiting in the lobby when a few makeup artists came out....
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Why do guys hate makeup?

Why do guys claim that they hate makeup, and wish girls looked beautiful naturally.. or make girls feel bad for wearing it but are totally attracted to girls who do wear makeup? Obviously it works because you fall for it....
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My boyfriend hates that I wear makeup?

So in the beginning when we started dating I didn't wear any makeup at all and he would say that I am cute or beautiful. Then I decided to start wearing some makeup because I have some pimples and freckles on my cheeks...
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I think makeup is one of the greatest lies ever told, do you agree?

Look at the countless before & after examples & pictures of women who look downright hideous, average, horrible skin/features but then they put all kinds of makeup on and look beautiful or like completely different...
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Guys, what EYE makeup look do you love on a girl?

You are probably clueless about makeup, fair enough. But hopefully you look at us in the eyes and notice some makeup looks that we do. Tell me your favourite and WHY, thanks in advance. Here are some ideas down bellow...
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Any girls hate wearing makeup?

I hate wearing makeup anywhere unless it’s for cool make looks with bright eyeshadow and such. I don’t like wearing it in public or with my friends/boyfriend because it causes acne and it’s pretty pointless. I don’t see...
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Guys who prefer makeup free girls - do you really think the real natural look is better?

Here are some pictures of (in my opinion) attractive women (both before and after). I often hear how men prefer natural, makeup free women but most of the time it's just them liking the "no makeup" makeup look. In...
Here are some pictures of (in my opinion) attractive women (both before and after). I often hear how men prefer natural, makeup free women but most of the time it's just them Show More
Natural version all the way
Makeup version is better
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Do u think if women didn’t wear makeup , cosmetics , etc. A lot more of them will be rated lower in attractiveness scale?

The bell curve in dating sites statistics , etc. Shown mostly show that men rate women on a fairly even bell curve and women rate men on a more uneven bell curve with most being unattractive. The thing is unlike the men...
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What do guys consider "too much" makeup?

There this guy at work that seriously gets on my nerves...he's aways bugging me about my makeup! Like seriously! WTF?is his problem & why da hell would he care? He always makes commments & always ask me"why I wear so much...
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Women have become overrated because of makeup?

(Warning: I'm gonna post the truth about female beauty. For posting this I risk being hunted, raped and killed by female users.) Are women pretty without makeup? Yes and no. See women are very VERY VERYYY average without...
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Is it true that when guys say "she's wearing a lot of makeup" she usually just applied it poorly?

I wear a ton of makeup but I'm rarely told i wear "too much" but I see women who will just wear eyeliner, fill in their brows and a little lipstick and i see guys say "she wears too much makeup". I feel like it's less to...
I wear a ton of makeup but I'm rarely told i wear "too much" but I see women who will just wear eyeliner, fill in their brows and a little lipstick and i see guys say "she wears too Show More
Yes, i agree
Maybe, i dont know
No, i disagree
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Am I ugly without makeup? Rate me 1-10 pls?

In the 3rd photo you can see my pimples which is proof I had 0% makeup ☺️ Am I ugly without makeup? What would you change? Rate me out of 10❤️
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Why do a lot of girls invest so much time/money into makeup?

I was looking at one of the models I follow on Instagram. She doesn’t use makeup and she’s gorgeous. Though she doesn’t use makeup she does put effort into her face. She invests a lot of time and money into daily face...
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I am scared of removing my makeup in front of my boyfriend what should I do?

I'm really embarrased to even ask this. I am very ugly without makeup and I'm not exaggerating. The few people who saw me without it were either telling me they were shocked or lied to me saying I looked good (besides...
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How is my makeup?

I used the jefree star * morphe palette I used olive green eyeshadow, neon green, brown, and light shimmery green all mixed together. I wore this to eat frozen yogurt with my boyfriend
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What are your opinions on makeup?

I love doing my makeup or having my makeup done. It always makes me feel so pretty and like a supermodel. The only thing I don't like is removing the makeup can take time and I also don't like how my makeup looks when...
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How do I convince my parents to let me wear makeup?

Okay so, I want to wear makeup. Not heavy or "sexy" makeup, more of like a "natural" makeup look. You know blush, powder to make my skin look smooth, concealer to cover my eyebags and natural pink color on my lips. Maybe...
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