Search Results: Are you gaining or losing weight during this

Why I keep losing weight? When I eat about the same quantities of food? I start to become afraid of anorexia?

I started to think seriously about this today. During the summetime (June-August) i was like 120-125 pounds. And i stated decreasing slowly since 3 months ago, like losing 2 pounds per month. i was thinkng like "ok...
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Losing weight after c section?

So I gained 49lbs during my pregnancy, had an emergancy c section and I lost 29lbs at 2 weeks after. I am a dancer and soccer player so how do I lose weight, what exercises can I do to easey way back? How do I get my...
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No More Excuses: My Starting Plan To Losing Weight And Getting Healthy

I’ll be honest. This is not the first time I told myself I was going to eat and live healthier. I’ve problem said this to myself about a dozen times during my adult life. And most of the time, I end up doing it. I ate...

The real, no gimmick “secret” to losing weight, getting fit, and being healthy!

Fuck your diet! The real, no gimmick “secret” to losing weight, getting fit, and being healthy…Without sacrificing your happiness... Note: This is a bit of a hefty take, so grab a healthy snack and a drink! I’ve been...

Every tip and trick I know about losing weight and exercise.

First off, let me make this very clear that I'm not certified in anything. All the information I'm going to share I've gleaned over the extent of my 23 years of life from various sources. Do not take my word as law,...

The more I lose weight, the more I become critical about my body, has I become obsessive?

So I've been trying to lose weight during this past 4 months but only lose 14 lbs, but my size decreasing more from size 10 to 4. I usually just going to gym 7 times a week and skip my dinner. But every time I weight...
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How do I stop gaining weight?

Okay, so during last week, I went on a very strict diet, I ate close to 800-900 calories daily and exercised burning close to 200 calories daily. Since then, I've been very good, but I've realized I wanted a less...
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Weight problem - advise on my problems?

I have gained a lot during the past 2 years and I am very overweight now (5'6" and 233lbs). I want to change my life style and get healthy again. I'm afraid my health is compromised especially because I have most of the...
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Need help to lose weight

This isn't just another question on how to lose weight. I have done it before. But it just seems harder now to become motivated again. I just got out of an abusive relationship where my ex emotionally hurt me and...
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Losing my hair at 25, I don't believe my diagnosis is correct!!!

I am having diffuse hair loss, it started in the middle and now is all over. It begun about 3-4 years ago, very slowly, during this time my childhood friend was murdered. I suffered from extreme anxiety, gained weight (8...
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How to lose weight fast and effectively?

So during the past couple of school months I've been eating junk and sugar and now that it's break I need help losing the weight that I've gained. Any tips?
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Diet Misconceptions and How to Actually Lose/Gain Weight

What is a diet? Diet´s are by definition a meal plan or a nutritional plan that includes more or less calories per day than what you consume. In order to lose weight, a person would have to eat less calories than what...

6 Basic Tips For Beginners To Lose Weight Pt. 1

Disclaimer: No, I’m not a personal trainer. However, I did have a personal trainer for several months. And her advice has helped me lose 20 pounds with 15 more to go to reach my first goal weight. So I thought I...

Weight loss, muscle gain, and "how can I lose my gut in a week?"

Burning a few calories on a winter morning. After being on the site a couple of days (a long time, I know), I've noticed several posts along the lines of "I need to fit into my skinny jeans in five days.  How can I do...

10 Facts To Lose Weight Without Gaining It Back

There was a time in my life when I was a fat kid, being 250 lbs when I was just 16 years old. I managed to lose almost 150 lbs since then, and even if I'm very thin now, I prefer it than being 250 lbs. After all my weight...

6 Cheap Weight Loss Solutions That I Tried!

There are different ways of losing weight 1. The Egg fast is good for people who are already overweight or already very fit. Models in china do it when they want to lose 10 pounds in 4 days before a photo shoot. If you...

2017 Weight Loss Resolution: How to Lose 30 pounds in one year, get ripped and stay that way #fatloss #newyearsresolution

I started working out April 2016, below is my progress comparison and I will share with you what worked for me. April 2016 Weight: 210 pounds Bench press: 135 pounds, 10 reps x 3 sets Pull-ups: 10 reps x 3 sets at 75...

How I Lost Weight: 10 Weight Loss Tips

I started my diet 6 months ago now I've managed to lose 25 pounds. So I'm going to share my diet with you. Weight loss is 70% what you are eating. Here is what you should do: Tip 1: Set a goal for yourself such as losing...

Why do I feel like I'm 300ils and breathless?

I'm 40 pounds overweight and I thought I was doing good excercising and losing weight. I excercised almost everyday for a month. I started to feel inches off my waist. The problem is that my pants that were one size...
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I've never been hit on by a girl and I'm pretty sure no girls are interested in me am I doing something wrong?

Throughout my life I gained lots of weight and during my high school years I lost all the weight and now I'm skinny. I thought losing the weight would help me get girls or at least help girls start to notice me, but I was...
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