6 Cheap Weight Loss Solutions That I Tried!

There are different ways of losing weight

1. The Egg fast is good for people who are already overweight or already very fit.

Models in china do it when they want to lose 10 pounds in 4 days before a photo shoot. If you eat nothing except eggs and very low carb veggies like radishes or spinach - you can you lose tons of weight and its dirt cheap. You ca't do this forever cause its not healthy but 3 days a month is fine! Note: A very small number of people might have sleeping problems when their carb intake is too low and some others get nausea - but the majority of people have no side effect. You can't do this every day cause its not healthy to eat only 2 types of food all day long but you can do it for 3 days in a row once every 10 - 12 days to lose 8 - 12 pounds over and over again in a single half week over and over again!

2. Buy Eggplant from the grocery store.

A large one costs about $1.69 and has 16 grams of fibre! I used to buy one and cut off a quarter of it every day and then microwave it in the microwave while wrapping the remainder very tightly in plastic syran wrap to prevent it from going bad. I don't remember how long but I think it was 2-5 minutes. then I would pour soy sauce and sesame oil over it to soften it. I did this every single day for 2 months and lost 4 inches around my waist! In China, Eggplant has a reputation for soaking up all your body's oils and fats. It is super good for you!

3. Try eating 2 tablespoons of peanut butter a day.

Doing this just once or twice will boost your metabolism like CRAZY!!! I found I got hungry about 40 - 80% faster after 1-2 days of eating peanut butter. I read online about people who lost 50 pounds in 3-4 months by adding peanut butter to your diet. It is the fastest way to speed up your metabolism!

4. Eat Oatmeal and Rice!

Oatmeal can fill you up for 4-6 hours if you have a normal metabolism and people who eat WHITE rice as their primary go to grain are usually always thin. Chinese people eat a diet that is often 60% - 90% WHITE rice and they have one of the lowest BMI's in the world. Yes I know the scientists and nutritionists say that eating rice makes you fat but look at the evidence here. Have you met a person who eats 80% - 90% rice that is fat? A deceased doctor in the 1940s named Kempner helped 200 morbidly obese people attain their ideal weight by eating a diet that was 70 - 90% WHITE rice.

5. Go on a low carb diet!

This doesn't have to be expensive! Eggs are cheap and so is home cooked chicken! When you don't eat carbohydrates your body converts fat into sugar to digest the meat you consume so the longer you stay on this diet, the faster you lose body fat and what you lose after the first week is 98% body fat and 2% sugar and other things. I did this diet 11 years ago and lost 30 pounds in 30 days and kept it off for over one year. The only reason I gained back the weight was because I was eating like a glutton all day long.

6. Drink lots and lots of water!

Research shows people who drink a lot of water lose weight OVER 40% faster than people who consume lower amounts of liquid. This is because your liver needs water to digest fat so if you aren't properly hydrated, your liver is too busy trying to keep you hydrated to focus on burning fat. This is why people become so thirsty when they are on diets or when they are or losing weight or doing heavy exercise - their liver is telling them that it wants water so that it can burn fat. Also the more you weigh, the greater your liquid needs will be during the weight loss process.

6 Cheap Weight Loss Solutions That I Tried!
6 Cheap Weight Loss Solutions That I Tried!
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