10 Facts To Lose Weight Without Gaining It Back


10 Facts To Lose Weight Without Gaining It Back.

There was a time in my life when I was a fat kid, being 250 lbs when I was just 16 years old.

I managed to lose almost 150 lbs since then, and even if I'm very thin now, I prefer it than being 250 lbs. After all my weight loss it's one of the few things I'm proud in my life. I didn't gain any of my weight back except some few gains during my first years of weight loss process.

It's clearly a mental thing. No diet will save you, if your mind refuses to follow.

Anyway my facts would be:

1) Feel Disgusted By Yourself

That's the most essential reason, if you want to start the weight loss process. It will really help, since you will start being dedicated and not cheat on your diet.

2) Being Made Fun Of Your Weight

Of course I must make it clear I'm against fat-shaming. But in my case it really helped. I just felt my presence was being disgusting to other people,so I had to take some action.

So IF in case you suffer from fat-shaming, it will actually prove to be helpful.

3) Don't Cut Off Any Meal From Your Diet

No there are no "fattening" foods. It has to do with quantities and only. I was still eating "junk-food" and drinking sodas during the process. 3 slices of pizza (considered "unhealthy") won't make you "fat"...but 10 dishes of salad (considered "healthy") will put you on some weight for sure.

4) Cutting Off Meals Will Make You Desire Them More

Yes. If pizza is your favorite food for example and you cut it off because it's "unhealthy",then everytime you see a pizza you will go crazy for sure, till one day you'll end up devouring 5 boxes in just 1 sitting.

5) Weigh Yourself Often

Like once per week at least. It will help you to keep some balance and not let yourself on the loose.

6) Eat In Order To Stop Your Hunger

Not for satisfaction. You should know when to stop if you want to succeed.

7) Always Calculate Your Calories

It's essential for your weight loss. You should know how many calories you need to consume.

8. Excercise Will Help Losing Weight Faster

Particularly walking and running. At least 1 hour per day is good.

9) Prefer 4-5 Small Meals Than 1 Big Meal

It's been proven that if you eat the same quantity in 1 sitting than in 2,you will get hungry again earlier.

10) And Most Important...Once You Succeed With Your Weight Loss

Always remember how you were before losing weight. It helped me a lot personally.

You wouldn't like to be as you used to before,right? So always mind your quantities. Of course now that you aren't on a weight loss process anymore,you should be more relaxed with your diet...but this doesn't mean you should totally let yourself on the loose.

10 Facts To Lose Weight Without Gaining It Back
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