Your Guide to Actual Weight Loss

Your Guide to Actual Weight Loss

Many people struggle with weight loss. They may have started a program and aren't seeing any results and they can't seem to figure out why. There are no magic tricks, there are no 3 exercises you can do in 3 minutes, no pills, and no 20 days to lose 20lb plans that work long term. There is only reality, taking care of yourself, your time and effort, adhering to a healthy whole foods diet, exercise, and a willingness to commit to it so you can lose weight and keep it off for life, not just for 5 minutes so you can take a photo on the beach. How do you do it?

1. Stop lying to yourself

Before all else with any plan you start, stop lying to yourself. You are your number on saboteur of your own progress. When a trainer, when your mom, when your doctor, etc. asks you what and how you've been working on your plan, and you lie, you aren't helping yourself. No one can help you including yourself, if you are living in constant denial about what you are or aren't doing on your weight loss plan. Keep track of what you are really and truly eating and when, and how much you are and aren't working out. Anyone can "go to a gym," but are you actually doing the work when you are there.

Your Guide to Actual Weight Loss

2. See your doctor

If you honestly do suspect that your lack of continual weight loss may be a medical issue, please see your doctor first to make sure you aren't having any real issues with your thyroid, with diabetes, with PCOS, etc. Don't just say, well, I'm not losing weight because I have these things, and you've never been to a doctor, and even so, these are issues that can make it very difficult to lose weight, but NOT impossible. They should not be used as a total crutch for your actual bad behaviors that may additionally be preventing your weight loss like lack of exercise or eating 4 bags of chips a day. You may very well need to see a specialist who works with clients with these issues on your road to weight loss, but don't just throw in the towel because a healthy diet and exercise plan even without weight loss, is still better for your body than the alternatives.

3. Get Sleep

A lot of what we do in our lives is affected by lack of sleep including lack of weight loss. Rest and recovery from working out or from a stressful day are essential. If you aren't getting enough sleep, you wake up moody and angry, you have no desire to work out, you get hungry and angry to compensate, you drink a lot of sugary coffee drinks to help prop you up, you come home exhausted, you eat whatever is fast food or convenient, still get no sleep, repeat. This puts a lot of stress on the body which can turn into belly fat and does not allow for the mechanics of weight loss to take over. Even if you have to temporarily do an OTC sleep aid to help you get some sleep, do it.

4. If you're going to ditch anything, ditch carbs

Human beings do not need carbohydrates to survive, like at all. You don't need rice, you don't need tortillas, you don't need rolls with your dinner. They are non-essential. The most successful diets are low to non-existent on the white stuff aka carbs/sugars, contain sensible amounts of protein (more if you're exercising strenuously) and contain high quantities of vegetables. Even from the beginnings of our existence on the planet, this would have been what we ate and survived on. Meat when we could get it. Plant life when we couldn't. Or some combination thereof. We now live in a world where we dump sugar onto everything and we eat an extreme amount of carbs like some 6-11+ servings worth of day. Diabetes is skyrocketing in this country because people are carbo loading unconsciously and storing all that as fat in the body because they are no where near professional athletes who can afford to burn all of it off. This wreaks havoc on the skin, on the blood sugar, on our waist lines, and leads us to weight gain.

Your Guide to Actual Weight Loss

5. HIIT or Walk

Great news ye hater of exercise. You do not need 3 hours of exercise to see weight loss on the scale. Engage in HIIT or High-intensity interval training, which is a training technique in which you give all-out, one hundred percent effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods. This type of training gets and keeps your heart rate up and burns more fat in less time. This is not a gimmick. It has been proven by medical science, that you can do something like 20-30 minutes of HIIT say 3x a week with some weight training in between (which you can also do in a HIIT style) and see far more return on your efforts than if you did that 3 hour long session of stopping and starting and breaking and resting to get through it. Walking also works incredibly well. Walk everywhere. In the office, to the store, to the park, around the park. Walk. Calculate how many hours you spend sitting in a chair essentially totally inactive. It's probably nearly half your entire waking day or more. You need to keep moving as much as you can even if it's just back and forth to the water cooler at the office.

6. Deal with your mind

Food gives us nourishment and comfort. People can learn to associate food with being a healer of what ails us in the sense that, when you are angry, depressed, or sad, you know if you eat this entire pizza, you won't be sad anymore. Like any other addiction---drugs, or alcohol---the feeling is temporary, and will come back if the underlying issues are not solved or addressed. If you don't deal with you and what's really going on in your life, no matter how healthy you eat or exercise, you may never be able to combat your real issues that lead you to overeat or get you into a depressive state that can again, add stress and fat to the body.

7. and finally

Your Guide to Actual Weight Loss
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