Search Results: Better cover of What A Wonderful World

What would you like to see females do to better handle conflict?

[Side note: I had to make this a myTake because of character limits, but it also somewhat suits a myTake, as far as topics go, I guess. But I'd really like to hear your suggestions (constructive, please) on what girls and...

Webcomic Trivia: 13 Things You May Not Know About Lemon Witch

13 Things You May Not Know About Lemon Witch After reading takes by @LadyTerror about Superman, Spider-Man, Thor, and Batman, I felt compelled to do a take about a much more obscure superhero - one I've personally had a...

15 Countries With the Best Music

I've been wanting to do this MyTake for a while, but never got around to it. I had originally intended to post 5 songs for each country, but the way GAG is set up, it will only allow me to post 15 videos per MyTake. So I...

Cooking Well: the Art of Making Enjoyable Food- Cookware

I find that one of the biggest obstacles to good nutrition is that people simply just don't know how to cook. Another problem is that people spend far too much money on food that could be easily prepared at home. Cooking...

DeviantArt Models I Know and Would Recommend to Any Other Artist, Part 1

Still struggling to come up with good content for another episode of How Screwed Are They, Really? , I've decided to shift gears and instead mention some of the wonderful talents on DeviantArt whose stock photos have...

The Five Types of Dating Coaches You May Come Across

How many times have you logged onto GAG, or any other website for that matter, and saw a list of "The types of guys/girls you will meet in high school" or "The five types of men/women you should avoid dating" and so on....

The Safety Blanket of Anonymity

Message from me [Feel free to skip] Woohoo!! Time for my 3rd myTake. I'm slowly getting into it and I thank all those people for all their support, who bother to read it and give their opinions. I've had lots of positive...

Why the Topic of Religion Shouldn't Be Swept Under the Carpet

Yes, the taboo topic. The topic that is sure to generate more controversy then all of my posts about race and black lives matter combined. No doubt this will anger some. If this were any other site I would fully expect...

12 Soulful Days Til Christmas

I love so many different genres of music when it comes to Christmas songs. However, these 12 songs may not be well known outside of my culture so I wanted to share a little piece with each of you. I really hope you...

Shy Girls: The Complete Guide to Understanding the Quiet Ones

Many shy girls lament their lack of dating success due to their personality and its perceived shortcomings. In defense of shy girls everywhere, this article is dedicated to them and to the men who wish to date them....

What To Do When Your Parents Don’t Like Your New Love Interest

I recently posted an answer to the question "What would you do if your parents did not accept your partner?" Several users suggested that I develop my answer into a myTake on this subject. I’m not too old to listen to...
OlderAndWiser u

To all those who struggle with insecurity

We've all wanted to be the idolized, stereotypical 'attractive' person we see splattered on every single magazine cover. Every time I see a pretty girl, I think to myself 'life must be so happy and easy for her' she...

Pit Bulls: Monsters or Misunderstood?

I conducted a poll on Pit Bulls, called " Pitbulls: bad dogs or bad owners? " to see what people thought about this controversial dog, and the results were quite surprising. A whopping 85% of people who voted on the poll...

Things I’ve Learned About Females Throughout My Life

This was a fun and different kind of Take for me to write. In all my interactions and relationships with women through the years, I’ve noticed some very interesting things about them, both good and bad. The things I list...

8 Types Of Toxic People

8 Types Of Toxic People 🧡💛💚💙💜♥️ Hi guys and girls. This will be my concluding mytake for toxic people. I really hope these will be useful to those with toxic people in their lives. So far, I have covered "6 Reasons...

The Positive Side To Pakistan :)

Often in the media, we see the oppression that goes on in Pakistan. And there is no denying oppression goes on in Pakistan- oppression happens all over the world. In even in first world countries such as the UK and the...

Society's Unrealistic Beauty Expectations

Let me be the first to admit, I have no idea what society is expecting of me as far as my beauty is concerned. Usually when I hear women complain about the beauty standards that are ridicuously unatainable I think they're...

20 Ways To Start Loving Yourself

How Loving Yourself Can Improve Connections With Family And Friends Hi guys and girls. I hope your day is fantastic!!!!! In this MyTake, I will be covering 20 ways to love yourself and how it can improve and create...

An End To Entitlement

After a long period of time reading the discussions here on the website, I felt the need to write an article communicating something that I believe needs to be said: "Entitlement will get you nowhere." The state of being...

Books I highly recommend

War Child by Emmanuel Jal War Child is the autobiography of Emmanual Jal and details his journey from Sudanese refugee to international rapper. From the outset, we know the beginning and the end of the story as it is...