Search Results: Is it true that girls experience the most pain

My Experience With Depression And Anxiety

Depression and Anxiety have been a huge part of my life for a few years now. I know to some of you a few years isn't very long but in that time it has destroyed my life. Now I can see a lot of you rolling your eyes at...

Never Ever Date A Damaged Girl! (The Follow-up)

Whatsup people! I just wanted to let you guys know that I appreciate your take on my previous topic, "Never...Ever...Date...A...Damaged...Girl!" I took the time to read all of your comments and opinions, and they really...

The Joys & Pains Of Crushing: 7 Types and Helpful Advice 🙇🏽💭❓

Everyday on GaG, since the day I've joined, there has been at least one question about a crush, and rightfully so, as these are arguably some of the most difficult to answer. This is proven by the fact that they never get...

GaGers Speak Out About Their Mental Health Experiences, Part 2

Recently, I asked member of GaG about their experience with mental illness, and wrote about it in Part 1 of this myTake series. Many members responded to me question, but @redeyemindtricks went above and beyond, going...

When Your Romeo is Your Rosaline: The Pain of Unrequited Love

Romeo and Juliet is arguably one of Shakespeare's most memorable and recognizable plays. Everyone remembers the star-crossed lovers, young Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, forever in love. People dream of having a love...

Why Inflicting Emotional Pain Works

Let's cut to the chase--being a "bad boy" works much more than a girl being a bad girl. Women don't want the bad guy but they're sexually attracted to him. It seems really unfair and it is but accepting and understanding...

My Experience of an Abusive Relationship

Being not able to trust people ever is quite a painful experience.... not being able to let people in to know the real you or give them a chance to prove there trust because you just keep pushing them away... these are...
PrincessPie s

Mile after Mile - A True Story About One's Journey With Running

First, let me tell you my background in running. I never was much of a runner growing up. Before the 8th grade I was homeschooled on and off and didn't complete an actual mile or ever even stepped foot on a track until I...

Taylor Swift Has a Way With Men and Words: 13 of Her Most Genius Lyrics

Taylor Swift is arguably one of the most controversial idols of the time period. There's many different opinions any person can have on her, but mostly the scales seem to be riddled with "I absolutely HATE her, she's a...

My Family's Personal Experience With Donor Transplant

I'm sharing this story because this is a subject very near and dear to my heart.... And because, April is National Donate Life Month. The Diagnosis My second daughter (now 22) was barely 2 years old when My husband's...

Grieving: Coping With The Death Of A Loved One

Death is inevitable but yet, the reality is that it’s still a part of life which most people find difficult to accept. It breaks into our lives with irresistible force, and robs us of those we love. So it is...

Why PMS can be a real problem

As a sufferer of PMS, I feel it’s often overlooked or even dismissed as just “that time of the month” or “she’s unnecessarily being a bitch”. It’s really not true. Whilst for some women, PMS is not even a factor or not so...

Misconceptions Women Have About Men: Why Believe Stereotypes?

I don't know if it's because of society or if it's simply biological reasons but from my experience, many women believe male stereotypes. When I was in high school every girl would say phrases like "ugh he is such a...

7 Stupid Things Women Tell Men

Not gonna waste any time with much of an intro about this Take, because there really is no special opening for it, so let's just get straight to the facts. “You’re meeting the wrong women” I think this is one of the...

Gender Wars: Why Men Are Threatened by Smart, Funny Women

The newest season of South Park had a lot of bleh segments but one thing I enjoyed was the shift to gender wars which, in many respects, have become more at the forefront than race wars, and which are definitely at work...

Why I STILL Haven't Given Up (On Men)

*Warning. This may contain offensive material to some. It was mainly a response to another take. It contains personal details and aspects of my life that I kept hidden for a long time growing up. This is also a long read,...

People Are Not What They Seem

We live our the majority of our youth focusing on what people think, trying to be noticed, and other things to make it look like we fit in with the norm of whats hot, not, and in between. But the truth is, we all have our...

What would you like to see females do to better handle conflict?

[Side note: I had to make this a myTake because of character limits, but it also somewhat suits a myTake, as far as topics go, I guess. But I'd really like to hear your suggestions (constructive, please) on what girls and...

Sarmassophobes Beware: The Snowball-Boomerang Destruction of a Simple White Lie

At the surface, it may seem obvious to many of you why this is. But that won't stop you from defaulting to irrational defense mechanisms when confronted with an uncomfortable truth. Yet, I feel that writing this may...

What Women Really Want! Cutting through the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit (Part 2)

The Protector What is with chivalry? Do women even need men? What are you really saying when you open the door for a woman? Give her your jacket? Help her with a heavy task, or in trouble? Offer to escort her? Pull out...