10 Ways To Be A Better Human Being

Ten Ways To Be A Better Human Being

We live in a crazy world where sometimes it feels like it's impossible to see the good in humanity, but instead of complain about it or feel like as one person, you are helpless to do anything about it, why not pledge to be a part of the solution, instead of the problem.

1. Give a Blessing Bag

A lot of us don't want to give out money to the homeless persons we see on the corner because some of them aren't actually homeless or we don't want to contribute to someone's buying alcohol, etc. It makes it hard sometimes to know who genuinely needs help. Instead of giving money, give a blessing bag instead. Go to the dollar store or grocery store and fill a bag or tote with mini toothbrush/paste, wash cloth, soap, toilet paper, shampoo, razor, small notebook and pen, socks, water and a few snacks, etc. Some people add in a mini bible or notes of kindness just to remind that person that they do in fact matter and all the world has not forgotten about them.

10 Ways To Be A Better Human Being

2. Donate your Body

Many people, including you someday, need or may need blood transfusions or platelets, or whole blood in order to survive or go through long surgeries. Donating your blood on a regular basis if you can, can literally help save many lives. Donate your hair to organizations like Locks of Love who make real hair wigs for cancer patients. Sign up to become an organ donor or sign up to donate your body to science after you're gone. You can also become a sperm/egg donor and allow parents who can't otherwise become parents on their own, a chance at bringing life into this world.

3. Give a Parent a Break

Being a parent is a hard and often thankless stressful job for which society doesn't really allow you to complain or you are seen as "bad" or being selfish. Whether your friends or family with kids will admit it or not, they do need to take a break from time to time, so let them have it. Volunteer to watch their kid or kids for a day or two and allow them to rest. Remember, at least you get to give them back at the end of the day!

10 Ways To Be A Better Human Being

4. Become a Mentor and Pass It On

We often forget that at one point, we started from the bottom whether that was at school or at work. Take the knowledge you have and pass it on to others by being a mentor to someone and showing them the ropes, giving them helpful tips, or guiding them through their education. This also goes for things like sports or hobbies. Instead of sticking your nose up because you now have the knowledge, share it and be a positive influence on someone else.

5. Don't Just Allow Someone to get Bullied

When you hear someone being bullied, don't just walk by and ignore it or worse, encourage it. Put yourself in that person's shoes and stick up for them, or gently guide them away from the situation and just give them some reassurance, or report the person doing the bullying. If we all just keep ignoring the problem, it doesn't solve anything for anyone.

10 Ways To Be A Better Human Being

6. Help Someone Take Charge of Their Health

If someone really needs to see a doctor or needs to get in shape, instead of lecturing them about it on and on, actually help them to do so. Offer to be their support as you drive them to the doctor or make a real effort to work out with them and encourage them to have good eating habits. This also goes for mental health issues. Provide and ear to listen and not judge, and try to help them to see a psychologist or someone else that they might listen to or receive help from.

7. Really Say Thank You

Instead of just sending out an email to a person to say thank you or saying a quick one to them in passing, try to really make their day in a huge way. Acknowledge their hard work publicly, surprise them at work by taking them out to lunch, send them a hand written thank you note with a gift card...do something that really shows that you appreciate what they do for you or have done for you.

8. Use your Birthday, Christmas, or Other Holiday for Good

Instead of getting gifts for yourself, why not encourage your friends and family into action for a cause. Encourage family to bring in canned foods or old clothes, or gift cards for charity which you can then donate in your names or ask that instead of a party, they give their time to you as a gift, to help others one day. That way you encourage a lot of action from a lot of people for good.

10 Ways To Be A Better Human Being

9. Get In the Habit of Being Helpful

You see someone getting soaked in the rain, or a mom struggling to push a stroller in the door, or an old lady trying to cross the street, don't just scuttle on by, offer to walk them to their car with your umbrella, hold the door open for them, help them across the street or hold traffic so they can cross the street. Being helpful and polite takes just a few seconds of your time, and can mean a world of difference to someone else.

10. Spread As Much Positivity and Love as You Can

Lastly, be the type of person you want to respect, you want to hang around, that you can trust and love, and that you want as a friend. If you're angry, closed off, bitter, gossiping about others, trolling, starting drama all the time, try to work on yourself and ways not to do that so much or at all. Be as loving, giving, and kind as possible and try to lead with that mentality as opposed to always viewing the world as just a horrible place that nothing can be done about or that everything is everyone's problem but never seeing your own faults. You have the power to do good and to be good, to be charitable, to spread love, and to make the world a better place for you and others.

10 Ways To Be A Better Human Being
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