Evolution: The Greatest Hoax On Earth

Evolution: The Greatest Hoax On Earth

The reason I felt the need to write this myTake is because of the aggression of those who defend it. Evolution is now considered a fact by most people, and anyone who rejects it is considered ignorant, stupid, uneducated, and anti-science. If you reject evolution, you will be called every name under the sun. It is a very dogmatic belief system that can never be challenged in the eyes of those who defend it.

But what many people don't realize is that evolutionists are playing a very dirty trick on you. There are two kinds of evolution--micro and macro. Micro evolution is a fact, macro evolution is not. Defenders of evolution would have you believe that the only difference between micro and macro evolution is time. And since micro evolution is a fact, nobody can logically reject evolution. That's how they trick and confuse you. Evolution is only a fact if it's micro evolution. But macro evolution is accepted on blind faith. It's not even scientific, yet it is taught as fact all through the education system.

Evolution: The Greatest Hoax On Earth

I actually find it quite hilarious how educated fools have tricked the masses into believing that they are nothing more than a highly evolved animal. In fact, many evolutionists say that you use to be a fish. Do you really believe that? Sounds like a Brothers Grimm fairy tale to me. Defenders of macro evolution arrogantly claim that there is overwhelming scientific evidence to support it. On the contrary! The fact of the matter is that evolutionists don't have as much as one single shred of evidence to support their bizarre claims. Macro evolution is the biggest lie ever fabricated. So big a lie in fact, that most people today believe it simply because they've heard it taught their whole life.

Many people point to the fossil record as proof of evolution. The fossil record actually disproves macro evolution. All these so called "missing links" are frauds. There is no link to find. The history of the fossil record is nothing but fraud upon fraud. Ask a scientist or evolutionist for proof of macro evolution and you'll get a bunch of wishy-washy speculation, but no solid proof. People had better wise up and realize that they are allowing educated fools to make a monkey out of them.

Defenders of macro evolution are so irrational that they even deny creation. They expect us to believe that once upon a time we use to be a fish that eventually evolved into a human millions of years later, yet they refuse to believe that there was an intelligent creator behind the fine tuning of the universe, intelligent life, and the human brain. The truth is, defenders of evolution will accept anything that the scientific community tells them. If scientists claimed they had evidence that humans originated from a monkey turd, atheists would believe it.

Evolution: The Greatest Hoax On Earth

Macro evolution is simply false science. Apart from Dr. Frankenstein tampering in a lab, God's laws nof nature do not allow for interbreeding of species. A cat and a dog can never mate and reproduce, nor can a human and a ape reproduce. God made each animal according to their kind. That is why dogs breed with dogs and apes breed with apes. And if it's true that humans are highly evolved animals, then evolutionists should have no problem with beastiality. The truth is, humans and animals are totally different. Only humans were created to worship their creator. Animals don't have this ability. That's what makes humans special. We were created in God's image. Animals were not. This fact alone shows how stupid and bogus macro evolution is.

One last thing: defenders of macro evolution usually resort to name calling and petty insults. They usually respond with "You just don't understand evolution." What is there is understand? Macro evolution is a science-fiction and doesn't exist. The reason defenders of macro evolution are so thin-skinned and are so aggressive in their beliefs is because they're insecure. If people deny God and creation it doesn't make me the least bit angry, because deep down I know that God and creation are true. It's usaually the angry, aggressive people who are insecure about their beliefs.

Thanks for reading.

Evolution: The Greatest Hoax On Earth
Post Opinion