10 Iconic and Rare Photographs from History


Photographs speak a thousand words, as they say. These ten photographs from history are just some of the many of the photographs that captured a glimpse of the life of the people in their time. For more historical photographs, you can browse them here https://www.rarehistoricalphotos.com/

(1) Warschauer Kniefall (1970)

10 Iconic and Rare Photographs from History
10 Iconic and Rare Photographs from History

During 1970, Willy Brandt was at that time the chancellor of Germany. He unexpectedly knelt down showing his sorrow for the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

(2) The American Massacre of The Moros in Jolo, Philippines (1906)

10 Iconic and Rare Photographs from History

This photograph which (I censored) shows American soldiers posing with the corpse of the Moros killed during the Philippine-American war. Moros are the Muslim population living in the island of Jolo, southern Philippines, where most of the population lives. More than 1000 Moros have been massacred by the American occupying force. N.B You can see the uncensored version in the website I linked at the top if you want.

(3) Eerie Nazi Christmas Party (1941)

10 Iconic and Rare Photographs from History
10 Iconic and Rare Photographs from History

The fascists having a Christmas dinner party. First to jump out is the creepiness of the atmosphere, and looking at their faces, they just look blank as if they are just humans with no emotions.

(5) The Last Image of Tesla (1943)

10 Iconic and Rare Photographs from History

The genius legend Nikola Tesla. Despite his great contribution in the field of science, he died poor.

(6) Australian Aborigines chained (1902)

10 Iconic and Rare Photographs from History

The story behind why these people were chained is not known. Regardless, it's clear they were not treated humanely. More detailed story in the link


7) Iranian Women Protesting Forced Hijab during the Iranian Revolution (1979)

10 Iconic and Rare Photographs from History

Before the revolution, Iran was under the rule of a secular modernist Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and the democratically elected prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh; Iran was in a lax condition. The then prime minister nationalized the oil industry which effectively took away UK's hold of oil in Iran. US and UK conspired and aided a coup d'etat to bring back the oil industry in which the British has control for a long time. That brought down the government which ultimately led to the Iranian Revolution.

After the Iranian Revolution where the Islamic fundemenalist's new government imposed strict rules on women. One of them was the compulsary hijab.

(8) A Boy and His Brother (1945)

10 Iconic and Rare Photographs from History

Truly heartbreaking photo of a boy carrying his dead little brother. The photo was taken by Joe O’Donnell who was sent by the US military to document the extent of the atomic bomb explosion damage in Nagasaki. War destroys life; sometimes even those who survived are dead inside.

Yes, the movie "Grave of the Fireflies" was based on this.

(9) Einstein at the Beach (1939)

10 Iconic and Rare Photographs from History

Albert Einstein is one of the famous theoretical physicists and holder of the one of the greatest minds. As seen here looking fabulous. For more story https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/einstein-at-the-beach-1939/

(10) Patton's Dog (1945)

10 Iconic and Rare Photographs from History

This bull terrier was General George S. Patton's dog, pictured lying down after his death. Loyalty is strong with dogs.

10 Iconic and Rare Photographs from History
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