In Defense of Pro-Choice

In Defense of Pro-Choice

Lately discussions regarding abortion laws have been on the rise and I have gotten quite tired of having to explain the same thing to people over and over again so I decided to share a MyTake in which I wish to adress the most common arguments used by those who claim to be Pro-Life (often confused with Anti-abortion). It has been greatly inspired by another wonderful woman who also supports women's rights to choose.

1. Just keep your legs closed.

A poor choice of words. I believe what you meant is: Don't have sex.

SEX. IS. NOT. A. CRIME. Sex is natural and awesome. It is fun and has multiple heath benefits in addition to being a wonderful form of intimacy and connection between people.

Sex is not a privilage reserved only for those who wish to reproduce. It is not inherently wrong or bad. It does not require a punishment and certainly not that of a forced pregnancy (Considering that is a crime against humanity, as recognised by the UN).

Pregnancy is a risk of having sex. Just like wrecking your car is a risk when you drive. Just like breaking a limb is a risk when you go hiking. Just like drowning is a risk when you swim.

We allow people to receive healthcare for all of those situations, despite the risk they took on themselves. We do NOT deny people healthcare based on how they came to need it.

2. Use a condom or birth control! Or both! Tie your tubes! Plan B!

If you have received even the most basic kind of sexual education you would know that not one form of birth control is fool proof. Not one. Not even when doubled.

Hysterectomies and tube tying are irreversible therefore they are not performed just like that. You have to meet certain criteria, which usually includes being around 30 years old and already having children. Also, plenty of people who are not yet ready to become parents might want to have kids in the future. (Not even mentioning that people should not have to undergo surgery, take time off work for recovery time, lose wages, all because some people get their panties in a wad over abortion.

Not everyone can even physically use protection. There are plenty of allergies to condoms, bad reactions to the pill and conflicts with pre existing necessary medications for illnesses that make dual use dangerous.

People are allowed to have unprotected sex and they are allowed to abort.

3. Well, you have to take responsibility, your body isn't just yours anymore, that *child* deserves a chance.

No. We don't. Taking responsibility for our choices means making the best decision to fix the undesirable situation.

Our responsibility is to ourselves first and foremost. It is OUR body being used as an incubator, it is OUR bodily resources being used to sustain potential life, it is OUR health potentially or immediately at risk, it is OUR entire lives and bodies that will be impacted by pregnancy and birth, let alone raising a child.

Whether you say the fetus is or is not a part of our body - you lose. If it is NOT part of our body then it has no place being inside of, attached to and taking from OUR bodies without our consent. If it IS part of our body, we are in charge of what we do with it and whether we want it there or not.

4. Anything related to "God" and in terms of using it for judgement and condemnation

Your God is violently pro-abortion.

Your God has slaughtered first borns, commanded dashing children against stoned till they die, ripping fetuses from their mothers' wombs, and even providing an abortion potion to a man because he suspected his wife of infidelity. Part TWO of this - your God has no place in healthcare. Your God is not everyones' God.

5. Abortion is murder! Youŗe all killers!

Actually no. Law, science and medicine disagrees. You can have your opinion, but your opinion is wrong if it is against facts. A fetus is nothing but a clump of cells incapable of thought or feeling, it is not even capable of pain until 18 weeks. Life does not start at conception, life is a continuous process that changes form and just because two gametes happened to meet at the right time does not mean they have some universal rights to become a human being.

6. You are so selfish! Think of all the infertile couples and other people who can''t have babies! Just give it to a family to love them! Give it up for adoption!

No. Hell no. That is a viable option for someone willing to go through pregnancy and childbirth. Plenty of people are NOT willing. Fertile people's uteruses are not fetus factories for infertile couples. Their issues are no one else's burden.

Side note: Being selfish is also NOR. A CRIME. We can be as selfish as we want with our own bodies because they're ours.

7. What if your mother aborted you? Be thankful she was pro-life!

She isn't pro life. My mother and many mothers are pro-choice. If my mother had aborted me, I never would have been sentient to know or care or be aware. Person known as me wouldn't even exist.

I would NEVER have wanted my mother to only keep me out of obligation. I would NEVER want to have been FORCED on my mother. I am infinately thankful that she CHOSE to have me out of love. Not obligation. Life is a gift and no gift should be forced to be given, how else could we appreciate the chance at life we have been given. And we both fight for and defend abortion access and reproductive rights of women!

8) It should only be allowed due to rape and health issues!

Says who? You? What authority do you have to tell people what they can and can not do? You are now trying to dictate which potential life is worthy and which isn't. If the pregnant person doesn't get to choose for themselves, the fuck makes you think you do? Being raped is not some magic thing that grants us pity-choice of being granted control of our bodies. There is nothing different except for you anti-choicers thinking you are the judge and jury presiding over other people's healthcare decisions.

9. What about the father's rights!?

Maybe, just maybe, if dudes are SO concerned with their potential offspring, they should take the proactive approach and NOT sleep with someone who does not want to be pregnant and who would abort! 😮 Crazy, I know! But, his rights end where her body begins. Thay can talk about their feelings, they can discuss both sides, but it comes down to the pregnant person to make the choice, end of it.

In conclusion: I get that abortion is not for everyone, same as children. So we all would be better off just minding our own business. Don't like abortions? Don't have one. It's that easy.

Peace. ✌

In Defense of Pro-Choice
Post Opinion