Ugly duckling syndrome?

Hi All,

Here is another thing that has been on my mind.

As most people (as controversial as it is) know, people who are beautiful are either stuck up, snobby, arrogant, have high and unrealistic standards. Not all, but most.

Here is some background of me, I was young fat and ugly. Though very kind, funny and nice. and of coarse not popular with the ladies for certain unknown reasons at the time.

a few years later, ugly fat boy grown up into a handsome, funny, polite, smart gentleman.

The problem is, I predicted that when I would change, womens perception of me would change. which it did.

now that I have changed I find it difficult to meet women cause I don't know if they like me for who I am or is it how I look or what I have.

The question is, has anyone been in a similar position ? Thoughts /comments guys/girls ?
Ugly duckling syndrome?
Post Opinion