Why are East Asians considered ugly?

Growing up, I felt ugly because of my monolid eyes, yellow skin, flat nose, and dark irises... Society second-handedly made fun of our appearances in media. In addition, kids in my school constantly bullied me for my 'small Asian eyes'. So as a child, I wished I was born white. For a period of time, I despised being born Korean... Thankfully, I got over this when I discovered the beauty of being unique from society's ideals. However, I still find that there are times that our race is made fun of due to our appearance. Yes, it has gotten better, but may I know the reason behind this idea? Is it because of America's bad history with Japan and China? Is it because we're different? Is it because our faces are often associated with villains in Old Hollywood?
Why are East Asians considered ugly?
Why are East Asians considered ugly?
124 Opinion