Do you think that the reasons why incels are increasing is because of autism and modern technology?

Not just incels but nowadays people are becoming more loners and shut ins. Technology is to blame but also autism right. If 1 in 68 people is going to have some form of autism then that means that 1 in 68 people is going to be a loner a loser an incel a potential school shooters etc etc. Are people aware of this danger. If autism cannot be cured then they must develop some prenatal screening method to abort those autistic people and improve the human race. I have an autistic cousin. He's not affected in terms of cognition and language development but he's a social outcast has like only two friends is 21 still has never dated before and is becoming really violent band angry in the household because of it.
I think that if he hadn't been born at all he wouldn't have to go through poor quality of life.
So my conclusion is that all of the today's incels are autistic or socially awkward mental I'll freaks to some degree. They're delusional about their looks as many ugly people sooner or later end up with someone. I think it's autism and modern technology to blame for thism because nowdays people spend so much time online/video games and forget their social skills.
What do you think. Is autism to blame for the increase in loneliness, unemployment, inceldom, violece, singlehood etc etc.
Do you think that the reasons why incels are increasing is because of autism and modern technology?
6 Opinion