Do small details matter, or are sweeping statements ok, and as a male can I feel empathy to issues related to women?

So myself and my wife and daughters we sitting around our dinner table talking about a range of topics as we always do, when my wife made a statement similar to 'men are assholes who don't care about women and xyz', now on the point she was making I actually agreed with her, but not to the point that it was 'all men', as I believed there are 'some men' that don't hold to that view. so I said it wasn't accurate to say 'men' as meaning 'all men' as I agreed with her and said that I cared, but it would be fair to say 'most men' in her statement.
This lead to a bit of a heated discussion about me not supporting her point of view, or making it about myself. (which certainly wasn't my intent)
One example used was a time I joined into a conversation talking about feeling threatened as a female, they said that they constantly feel threatened or unsafe if they are around other males, such as going for a walk through a park alone and seeing a male. - I had it explained to me that my saying 'I could relate to feeling threatened and agreeing with how awful feeling threatened was', was actually minimizing how women felt as there could be no comparison or empathy with the situation as I was a man, and in most situations wouldn't feel threatened. I didn't help the situation by pointing out multiple times I had felt threatened with violence in the past, as I wasn't a female in that situation, and so it couldn't be the same.
The irony is, I agree that it wouldn't be 'the same' and that was never the point I was trying to make.
What I really wanted to get across was that I could relate, or have empathy to what was being talked about, not that what I felt was exactly the same, but that I was agreeing that feeling threatened is awful, and no one wants to feel that way.
I asked how I could join into these dinner conversations without giving offence in future and was told that if it was about women, I couldn't, and to not offer an opinion as I was man so couldn't empathize with them.
Do small details matter, or are sweeping statements ok, and as a male can I feel empathy to issues related to women?
Post Opinion