In Texas life begins at conception right?

Well sure.. unless you are driving in the HOV lane (high occupancy vehicle lane). Brandy Battone found herself getting pulled over while driving in a highway in Dallas and was issued a situation for driving in a HOV lane, which is the carpool lane that requires drivers to have two or more people in a car. The officer noticed Battone appeared to be the only person in her vehicle but she insisted she wasn’t alone. She reminded the officer of the recent Supreme Court ruling saying “ in light of everything that has happened, and I’m not trying to make a huge political stance here, but you do understand that this is a baby?”.

According to the Texas penal code, and “individual” means a human being that is alive including an unborn fetus at every stage of gestation until birth, but under the Texas Transportation Code, there’s nothing that indicates a fetus counts as a passenger in a vehicle.
Battone says she doesn’t think that she should have gotten the ticket at all and wants Texas laws to be consistent in wether they do or do not recognize a fetus as a person. Battone told NBC news that she’ll be fighting the reported $215 ticket at her July 20th hearing, which is just a couple weeks before her due date.

In Texas life begins at conception right?
In Texas life begins at conception right?
Post Opinion