I'm changing my name and pronouns soon, any tips to help others adjust?

I'm going to write/design the name on a shirt or hat or something to remind people and help that stick, but I don't want to put pronouns on myself visibly or everyone will know I'm trans.

Im changing my name and pronouns soon, any tips to help others adjust?

I already dress stereotypically like my gender so I can't really change that to make it any more obvious. I guess I could get explicitly gendered t-shirts like the ones with lame stereotype slogans on them, but that's not at all my style and I don't want to spend money on clothes I'll only wear for like a month.

Any suggestions to help visibly remind friends/family of pronouns without also outing myself to acquaintances and strangers?

Im changing my name and pronouns soon, any tips to help others adjust?
I'm changing my name and pronouns soon, any tips to help others adjust?
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