2.4K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. That really depends on the environment I'll be born in.
If I will have access to become a transgirl at a very young age, then I would choose male.
If not, then female, provided I can fight my way out of tyranny (or better yet I don't have to) and not be stuck in some shithole, that literally keeps girls and women captive.
10 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
I’d choose male again. I love having a cock, fucking hot women, making them cum. Women love sex more than they sometimes admit, and most of them prefer having a big dick guy fuck them if they have the option and the man knows how to use it. It’s a turn-on I would choose again.
20 Reply
- Anonymous(18-24)11 d
I was born female but I would choose male for my next life. This might sound odd to some but I feel curious what it feels like to have a penis
36 Reply- 11 d
It’s not at all odd
- Opinion Owner11 d
I am glad my psychology is hopefully normal.
- 11 d
Haha… yes it is… most women wanna know how it feels like peeing standing😅😅
- 10 d
- 11 d
If I had a next life I would rather be Asian. People in Asia followed the rules.
03 Reply- 11 d
I didn’t k ow there’s a gender called “Asian”🙄🙄
- 11 d
I never care about gender.
- 10 d
we are still horny
What Girls & Guys Said
- 8 d
This would very much depend on which country I was being born into. Hard to fathom being born as a man in Russia and being sent off in a meat-wave attack, where I'll be shot by my own troops if I retreat or try to surrender and killed/maimed if it advance. Then again, being born into some cultures where women are treated worse than livestock and have no rights or education is grotesque in its own right. In the US, I think white women have the advantage at the moment, but that doesn't mean there aren't things that need changing.
10 Reply - 10 d
I know my female equivalent would have it a lot easier in modern western society. But I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be a woman in a third world country especially the Middle East.
Anyway it’s a trade off. Personally I like being physically strong and fully independent. I don’t need to go on adventures and/or make major life decisions based on what “my friends” think. I also worked hard my entire adult life to be financially independent and I am very proud of that.
But I also know my female equivalent wouldn’t have even half the romantic challenges that I do. Quirks and all she would still have it much easier in modern western society. She would have a lot more options.
Tough question.00 Reply - 10 d
Female. I could do with an easier life. Less stress about finances as I'd just find someone with money to pay for me. I'd be able to use kids to extort money from baby daddies knowing the courts will back me in most cases. Convenient excuse when I don't progress in a career, it's not me it's the sexist culture.
10 Reply - 11 d
… I’d choose being the gender I am just because it is what I know, am comfortable with, and am happy with. Though if it were a next life I wouldn’t even remember this one or the decision I made….
10 Reply 1.3K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Def a woman since I love having babies. I got told by a medium that I was already a man in all of my past lives and I came to this life to be feminine lol
20 Reply- 10 d
Id probably chose to be a guy, its just easier since your dad can get you in the same workplace, plus you are more invisible to the world.
20 Reply - 11 d
Female all the way. 💕
Because I want to know how a penis feels on the female side with a vagina. What the vaginal walls feel with a penis entering the vagina. 😇
20 Reply - 11 d
I'd probably pick to be male. I know there's consequences to being a guy, but it also does seem nice in some ways. So, take the chance.
20 Reply - 11 d
Easy. Female. How can you POSSIBLY have the totality of being HUMAN without experience with both genders. Hinduism and many forms of Buddhism teach that one must experience both many times to achieve nirvana / moksha
11 Reply - 11 d
Tmw my past life was a female and I'm already living the scenario
11 Reply- 11 d
So, how do u feel about it? Which which life feels better?
Man again, i can't be bothered with woman stuffs and being physically weaker.
31 Reply- 10 d
As a female, I can understand this.
I'd go for man. It's what I don't know - it might teach me a thing or two.
30 Reply- 10 d
Probably a girl, having to transition was a lot of work and it would be nice to see what it might have been like.
10 Reply - 9 d
I'd want to be a male again, but I don't think we have a choice with reincarnation.
10 Reply - 8 d
That’s a very good question. Maybe a male to see what it’s like to be a man. I feel like men have it much easier.
10 Reply - 11 d
woman for sure. just playing life on easy mode.
23 Reply- 11 d
- 11 d
Yeah, that or show feet or stream on kick.
I'd "pray" to Lucifer, that I'll not end up being a social media addicted bimbo or a subject adhering to the environment i would grow up in e. g. a man hater in the west or being addicted to attention.
Something tells me I'd have a more fun life as a girl.
17.3K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. I will stay with being a guy. I really cannot imagine being a female.
10 Reply2.3K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Woman. Im already a man so id change that in the next life just to see the difference
20 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)14 d
girl to become a hot prostitute and win money just with my body
20 Reply 7.1K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. I'm still going with male, I just can't picture myself being female.
10 ReplyBe a woman, to experience motherhood. But being stuck to date guys, so that would be a deal breaker,
10 Reply- 10 d
Duh. All humans are addicted to sex and god permitted women to have only 1 sex partner. No thanks.
10 Reply - 12 d
A guy because I'm q girl now
24 Reply- 12 d
@Shortkay4568 you give sex advice? dm me if its okay :)
- 11 d
What’s a q girl?
- 11 d
- 10 d
Unless you come back as a q guy. They seem to have it much more difficult in our society.
- Anonymous(45 Plus)9 d
Guy without question. I don't know why anyone would CHOOSE to be a woman.
10 Reply - 10 d
Same as I am, just circumcised lol 😂😆00 Reply - 10 d
100% would be a Women.. besides having to deal with thirsty guys. Most women seem to live their lives on easy mode, free dates, free food, free trips, etc..
00 Reply - 12 d
Male. They have it far easier.
30 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)10 d
Can I also choose my sex?
12 Reply- 10 d
- Opinion Owner10 d
Okay then I'd be a woman next time.
- Anonymous(30-35)10 d
There are too many other questions I have with this
01 Reply- 9 d
Boy. Much easier
13 Reply- 10 d
Easier what?
- 10 d
- 11 d
I’ll take 1 vagina.
10 Reply - 14 d
I'd spin a wheel, a coin flip.
20 Reply - 10 d
I'd stay a dude.
10 Reply 8.8K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Female. Things are a lot easier for them.
21 Reply- 9 d
Yeah, but then you have to be batshit crazy.
I like it
20 Reply- 13 d
I would be a female itself
20 Reply - 10 d
Female and hopefully hot
10 Reply - 11 d
20 Reply female so I can be a sex worker
00 Reply- u13 d
02 Reply- 13 d
can I be a cat instead...
- 13 d
- 14 d
Always male
10 Reply
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