449 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Because leftist are retarded and put DEI before preparations and safty
82 Reply- 4 d
Maybe they should get their Jewish space lasers to join in the fight!!
- 4 d
Says the guy who supports the orange blob
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1.4K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. A lack of water thanks to the California Governor
22 Reply- 5 d
@Melanie31 Thank you for the Like
- 4 d
@Melanie31 Thank you for the MHO
What Girls & Guys Said
California is burning down Los Angeles on purpose. It’s a California Democrat policy. They need to kill off or drive away the citizenry so that they can purchase the land cheap to begin producing a “smart city” in 2028 that will have mass surveillance and essentially act as an open air prison for Californians. The Four Families cartel (Brown, Pelosi, Newsom, & Getty) wants more power and control and they are willing to sacrifice the citizens of California to get it. After all those citizens voted for them and the 2028 Olympics are rapidly approaching. They have big plans to make a lot of fucking money at the expense of Los Angelenos and federal tax payers through FEMA emergency assistance grants, eminent domain laws, and EPA property confiscation dictates. They have already bled Californians for all they have and bankrupted the state to live lavish lives, so they now have to eliminate the creditor which are the people so that they can have a “Great Reset” and steal wealth from other states. People will make up all kinds of bullshit narratives and excuses, but that is the truth of the matter. It's been planned for a long time.
38 Reply- 5 d
I love a good conspiracy but you’re argument doesn’t make much sense to me. Aren’t these homes being burned down the property of well off people who most certainly would have fire insurance because they live in areas that are susceptible to wildfires? Meaning they are gonna more than likely rebuild their homes right? If this was in the hood I would say hmm you might have a point
- 5 d
@Ballinbmac01 The fire insurance was purposely canceled several months ago.
- 5 d
@Ballinbmac01 like I said it has been planned for a long time. In 1988 Proposition 103 was passed. As a result insurance companies have to get government permission from an elected commissioner before they can raise rates. No permission was given, so that insurance companies would be forced to cancel policies.
- 5 d
@Ballinbmac01 But like I said, Californians like you are retarded. Meanwhile your city burns. Enjoy the results of your stupidity.
- 5 d
I’m not from California nor do I live there
- 5 d
@Ballinbmac01 You just go there to sell your asshole on the weekend right?
- 4 d
There are several reasons. First, any system's capacity has a limit. There are too many large fires happening at the same time in close proximity to each other and the water system bottlenecked. Second, you can clear brush and do controlled burns, etc. and those things used to help mitigate potential for devastating fires to develop. But, after literally decades of drought conditions, there is just too much dead foliage, then add in the beetle infestation that has killed massive amounts of more trees and foliage and what you have is a tinder box. But the biggest factor in that area causing the rapid, out of control spread of the fires, are the Santa Ana winds. It doesn't matter if you have created firebreaks or not when those winds are blowing. The wind will carry the fire long distances in multiple directions at once and the best fire fighters can do is to chase the fires and hope to keep up with them. In my mind, the best solutions would involve 1) getting all electrical lines encased in some fireproof material and underground, and 2) use fire proof materials for all buildings, such as metal roofs and stone or concrete walls and, possibly, extra fireproof safe rooms.
10 Reply - 5 d
California has bad leadership. It is very dry there and it is prone to fire and the leaders give into extreme environmentalist doctrine and stop the routine of doing controlled burns to regularly clear out a lot of the dry foliage and tumbleweed (don't know if that is what it is called) that accumulates and can ignite a fire.
They also won't make "fire breaks" to contain any fires that could ignite so if a fire starts there are no natural containments built in to help keep it from spreading.
They have cut back a lot of the budget for the fire department so they don't have enough staff and supplies. In my opinion that is one of the main functions of the government and taxation. Fire department, police, infrastructure, security and safety. California spends tons on entitlement programs.
California doesn't have enough water. I'm not an expert on what this process is but they pump a lot of their water reserves into the ocean to help out some fish (environmental stuff) so a lot of their water lines don't work or are low.
Basically... this is the fault of the incompetent leaders but... they keep voting for this stuff so you get what you vote for.
12 Reply- 4 d
They also DEFUNDED the Fire Dept Police Dept And many agencies that take care of forested lands lakes empty reservoirs and fire hydrants with no water in the system to fight fires to save a small fish called a Smelt so billions and billions of dollars in the homes industry and lives were lost due to lack of water and the lack of Fire and Police personnel because of politics and DEI. YOU ASKED FOR IT AND YOU GOT IT
- 5 d
This is a California problem not an American problem.
The propose of the union is to protect California's right to govern itself and give you as an indiviual the right to vote with your feet when your neighbors all vote like Californians have.Fire fighting like all natural disasters is a local & state Not federal responsibility.
California has at it's disposal all the resources to deal with the problem and could call in aid from the other 49 states and even Mexico and Canada. But the Governor has to do that, not Joe Biden.
Just like the mayor was suppose to invest in his city's fire fighting capacity and ensure the hydrants worked. But the LA mayor like the Governor would rather spend the money on illegal aliens and drugs
Californian voted for theses people, which is why more and more of them are leaving for better run places like Texas every year.
52 ReplyDEI / affirmative action hires are a nationwide/western problem
- 5 d
@Oncewildtwiceburned They are only federation wide in the state that allow it. California has done a lot more than hire unqualified people for decades to manage their fire departments. They have in the same time undercut them in numbers and equipment to the point that this fire problem is nothing new to California.
They don't have the same issue in other states to the same degree.
563 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Because now it's a money game it's a business now out with the old in with the new and the poor people sorry you just got screwed even more it takes a lot of resources to put out a fire let me tell you and depending on exactly where it is what kind of the location the terrain that you could have airplane you could have helicopter couldn't retard all over you can have people in the field and it's dangerous when it's burning that hot they'll put it out they put out all the fires it takes a little bit of time. That you are right about one thing when it first happened well there's so many fires in different locations that's the hard part but if it started in one place the governor should put in an order and had all resources I mean all resources from not only that state but from Nevada to to help
10 Reply8.8K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. I live in California very near to the recent Palisades fire that is still not out. The problem is the wind, which causes the fire to move very rapidly and which blows hot and flaming embers all over, spreading the fire.
The wind also keeps most aircraft used to fight fires from flying as it is not safe do do so.
California firefighters are the best in the world, but even they cannot work miracles.
Come visit here some time during fire season and see all this for yourself.30 Reply1.6K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Bush fires are very powerful. As I understand you have hot dry winds. That'll do it. Over 110 F it takes very little for leaf litter to burst into a blaze.
Usually California and Australia exchange fire assets because one is the off season for the other. It is now our bush fire season but we have confirmed assets are available to help out.
40 Reply- 5 d
Because the poor leadership in that state prioritize feel good policies than prioritizing real life problems, they are more concerned with the well being of fish than it's citizens. They thought it more virtuous to reroute the water from the mountains to protect the fish, than to let the water go to reservoirs that can be used to put out fires or irrigate crops.
You can't judge the country on the failure of a particular state. re-state//background_color_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0), font_color_rgb (77, 77, 77), justifyLeft10 Reply - 4 d
What gave you the idea that California is the most important state?
California's geography and climate encourage brush fires... always have. When you build wooden structures in such an environment, and do not take precautions against fire (like making sure there is water in the hydrants), Nature teaches you a lesson.
26 Reply- 4 d
how about newsome not cleaning the forests there's always going to be fires but not like this
- 4 d
- 4 d
And why exactly would a predominantly Wood home have stone and metal pieces? Please don't tell me how homes in California are constructed. I see it everyday. And yes it is the Santa Ana winds. And yes they blow every year at this time and this time of year is called fire season for a very good reason.
- 4 d
8.1K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Corrupt Democrat leadership with goofy ideas about wildlife and forest , management. The California wildfires have decimated the wealth of Democrat donors and voters. This COULD result in California switching to MAGA when Democrats run out of excuses and someone or something else to blame. It ain't Global Warming. It's incompetent leadership.
10 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)5 d
Eh. It's because the people in that state decided it would be a good idea to vote in a bunch of retards who didn't give a shit about fixing the EASILY fixable problems regarding fire preparedness and instead focus on progressive culture war bullshit. This is the result.
The GOOD news is, that pendulum is going to swing HARD back in the other direction.
41 Reply- 5 d
Nothing is swinging back because both sides work together. Maybe when Americans remember what “we the people” things would change
- 4 d
We’re really the most important state? I thought people here are mostly just retarded nincompoops who can’t decide what gender they are. Not that I see that much around where I live THANK GOODNESS, but I met this German guy from Germany and he called us a “little bitch”.
20 Reply - 4 d
They’re not powerless.
The issue is that the local government of my state has mishandled the funds/budget.
They made cuts to the fire department while also not investing in programs in increase water retention as well as clean up wildlife habitats such as clearing dry brush and foliage10 Reply - 4 d
Lack of expenditures on infrastructure, including fire fighters and fire fighting equipment due to the good ol' USA's obscene EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY BILLION DOLAR War (excuse me, DEFENSE) budget, which gives the Pentagon all the toys it wants to the detriment of other aspects of U. S. existence.
31 Reply - 5 d
It costs money to think ahead plan water resources and build reservoirs in the forest to have water available to fight fires deep in the woods. But we have billions and billions for other countries and illegals but not for our infrastructures and our people in need. The great Democratic boondoggle.
31 Reply- 5 d
It is state and local money that pays for theses thing, not federal. California has plenty of money to pay for theses thing and for decades they didn't.
Sorry when it had to useless wars which was started and created by America, how are they going to spend money for their own citizens? They create and fund Ukraine war, Gaza war, china-taiwanese war and no money left to feed their citizens. Nice US government isn't it?
21 Reply- 5 d
What do War have to do with California politician's long standing refusal to properly fund their state's fire fighting capacity like the other western states do?
Wars are fought by the Federal goverment and there is no such war on going now for California to even claim its national guard isn't available.
17.2K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Liberal policies and DEI hires in managerial positions. Also electing democrats. Having policies like diverting water to save some fish or defunding the fire department and failing to perform proper forest management directly cause this tragedy.
412 Reply- 5 d
@exitseven This is complete horseshit. Shame on you.
- 4 d
Please go to LAFD and read THEIR statements!!! You can't be this obtuse!!
- 4 d
@DrPepper12 do you really expect anyone to take responsibility for this?
- 20 h
For what? Fate? Nature? Climate?
- 18 h
@DrPepper12 Its funny that only california has his problem. Year after year.
500 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Firstly other priorities.
Secondly counter fires are not permitted in most (all?) US states.
Thirdly countries that are more competent at putting out forest fires usually put them out while they are small and locals have a big role in this.
Most Americans wouldn't know how to even if they wanted to.
18 Reply- 5 d
America isn't a 'country' like yours but a federation of states spanning an entire continent with almost every kind of environment and landscape.
That is why every state is responsible for dealing with its local environment including natural disasters as part of the cost of living on that geography and in that environment.
Today Californian is really bad at fighting fires because the people of California have for decades voted for politicians who drastically undercut the state's firefighting capacity as well as their forest management capacity. This is why the state is not managing its fires well unlike other western states.
The feds do not have a legitimate right to get involved for several reasons:
1: They are too far.
2: they are too ignorant being mostly from different environment with different problems.
3: It really isn't fair to make the people already paying for their own problems pay for delinquent states like California's problems.
4: It really does not help California when its people rely upon the aid of outsiders who really are not in a position to do the job instead of picking up the bill to do it themselfs. (not unlike Europe calling on America to deal with their security problems)
- 4 d
@monorprise You do not live here and you have absolutely no idea what goes on here.
- 4 d
- 4 d
@monorprise I live at the beach in SoCal about 1 mile from the fire line, clown. Where do you live?
- 4 d
- 4 d
@monorprise So as I said - you don't live here and you know nothing.
- 4 d
10.7K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. The same reason it can't stop hurricanes, floods and tornado's
America, like the USSR put 90% of it's focus on military might. Means it can't do fuck all for local services.
20 Reply- 5 d
I reckon God has a plan for them Californians.
10 Reply - 5 d
were the most indebted country in the world. even with all the equipment, not much can stop fire driven by high winds and very dry land.
20 Reply - 5 d
Because leftists voted for people who stripped all of the funding from fire fighters. It's not America, it's California. And it's 100% the leftists fault.
30 Reply - 4 d
In a culture that claims to be superiour in next to anything, it is no wonder that failure is proven each single day.
Some things are just not controllable.
10 Reply - 1 d
Well California have a hard time getting water because of droughts that have and there water comes from the Colorado River which is a little far away to get clean water. Also it also the money and weather that could be a problem.
11 Reply- 58 min
What is it with the right wing seeking the most simplistic solutions they possibly can think of? We have plenty of f****** water. However, we also have plenty of very destructive winds that blow flaming embers all over the place which in turn cause more and more fires. Well we have plenty of water but we are lacking water pressure because of heavy usage. That is the problem and that is why you think we have no water. The water systems are not designed for multiple users simultaneously. These are extremely old water systems and they are not up to meeting current demands.
- 5 d
Sometimes natural disasters affect even great countries
21 Reply- 5 d
@WhitneySnow I think your too young to remember all the other times California had out of control fires in the last few decades. This isn't a new problem and its got the same cause incompetent local & sate governments that have for decades gutted their fire fighting and forest management capacity.
Fire 🌞 ry material strong winds= blazing fires that are uncontrollable
20 Reply- 4 d
Firefighters fight fires & wildfires mean overtime pay.
10 Reply Due to the great winds coming from off shore that fans the flames and spreads the fires uncontrollably.
21 Reply4.7K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Because there is an unprecedented number of fires and there is not unlimited water.
11 ReplyIt’s California—not America. It’s sad and awful, but some of it could have been avoided.
10 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)4 d
America is not powerless to put out fires. Los Angeles is, at least currently.
Why? Years of mismanagement and poor decision making by politicians who prioritize pet environmental projects above basic human safety.
10 Reply - 5 d
It's not that easy first off what wind is a big problem cause it's fanning the flames secondly the fires has a lot of fuel to burn meaning there is a lot of trees
20 Reply - 4 d
Because our lack of knowledge in re. history, other cultures, languages is so weak
10 Reply - 4 d
It's because California has become a far-left liberal circle-jerk. You reap what you sow.
29 Reply- 4 d
It's not the Santa Anna wind... That would be... Common sense...
- 4 d
@msc545 @DrPepper12 Santa Ana winds and low humidity happen frequently in southern California. Poor water management by the useless governor, along with environmentalists' failure to understand the importance of removing dry dead brush when necessary, is what's causing these fires to be so catastrophic.
- 4 d
@DrPepper12 I just asked the wind - it is taking credit, so...
- 4 d
@msc545 I've followed meteorology as a passion my entire life. I know damn well that the Santa Ana winds kick up at least a half dozen times a year, on average. That's enough to qualify as "frequently". If you prefer "commonly", I won't split hairs. If they weren't a reoccurring and/or common meteorological phenomenon, they wouldn't have a name.
Governor Geaseball is the reason those fires are so bad right now, for the reasons I already mentioned. You're living in denial. - 4 d
@msc545 Meteorology that I don't understand? Cheap bullshit theories? Laughable. Just because I'm pointing out painful facts doesn't mean that you should take out your misfortune on me. Put the blame on your governor, where it belongs.
The winds will be kicking up again, starting tonight, and probably will be lasting for days again. If you're as close as you claim, you need to get out of there immediately. We'll save the arguing for another day. - 4 d
These fires have been going on for years. Although not at this intensity. I reiterate that the problem is climate change and also if I haven't mentioned it our utility company which refuses to fix its power lines and which in the past has started many fires. I understand you may not like our governor's politics, but the fact of the better is that we like our governor a lot and we don't really mind his politics and he does a pretty good job. If he didn't do a good job or we actually thought he was causing the problem, he would not have been reelected. In fact, the truth is that people are so upset right now. He might not even be walking around upright, but he is and we're grateful for it.
- 5 d
Let’s settle down. The state of California run by democrats are powerless to put out fires.
30 Reply - 5 d
Lol This site is seriously a big game of Cards against Humanity
10 Reply 2.6K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Because when you have unkept forests, dry conditions and high winds. It is more powerful and destructive than past nonnuclear wars!
10 Reply- 4 d
That area in Cali is so dry like Arizona. Not recommending living there
10 Reply 1.4K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. The 80 mile per hour wind didn't help things
10 ReplyMother Nature is more powerful than ALL countries combined!
30 Reply- 5 d
Makes me wonder what idiot forgot to replace the water
11 Reply 2.5K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Because it doesn't want to. There's a lot of money to be made and a lot of revenue on the line
13 Reply- 5 d
This is a California problem not an American problem.
Other fire prone western states don't have soo much trouble as California because they didn't neglect their state's fire fighting capacity as California has for decades. - 5 d
@In_Trance Like everyone else who has left Californian I don't worry about the illresponsable things their goverment does and doesn't do.
I am glad the feds do not have a legitimate right to get involved for several reasons:
1: They are too far.
2: they are too ignorant being mostly from different environment with different problems.
3: It really isn't fair to make the people already paying for their own problems pay for delinquent states like California's problems.
4: It really does not help California when its people rely upon the aid of outsiders who really are not in a position to do the job instead of picking up the bill to do it themselfs. (not unlike Europe calling on America to deal with their security problems)
- 5 d
because of corruption
10 Reply 9.9K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Because that's nature ffs. Where are you from?
10 Reply- 5 d
I think it's done on purpose to burn evidence
10 Reply - 4 d
because democrats are full of hot air
10 Reply - 4 d
America can, California can't.
10 Reply - 5 d
California doesn’t represent America.
20 Reply - 5 d
azaab from Allah , for bad deeds
10 Reply - 5 d
20 Reply - 5 d
10 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)3 d
100 mph wind...
11 Reply- Opinion Owner3 d
It's amazing how people outside of california have zero clue
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