Wouldn't their free healthcare become American and thus give us universal heakthcare?
- 5 d
Canadian's don't have free healthcare, they are simply forced to buy their Provence's health insurance plan, and they pay thou the nose for it in taxes making them and their Provence poor.
Most Canadians in most provinces are also not particularly pleased with the plan their Provence forces them to buy. This stands in contrast with 71% of Americans liking their health insurance plan.If we were to admit Canada's provinces as states there is no reason they could not continue the same practice. Several states like Massachusetts already do the same thing.
Without the force of their federal goverment however most of the new states would end up abandoning the practice of forcing their citizens to buy overpriced and poorly run health insurance plans.
Despite what people say about the idea in practice they don't like the job their politicians do in managing anything more than the person their employers chooses much less the person they personalty choose and can replace at any time.019 Reply- 5 d
"71% of Americans liking their health insurance plan" is not the 💪🏻 you think it is...
- 3 d
@monorprise Man, do you know stuff about Canada 😆. I'm starting to doubt my own reality.
- 2 d
@Danzigdawson How could you know? Do you know every Canadian in every province personalty? Do you even know exactly how your own goverment has spent the larger share of tax dollars it has taken from you? Its not like they have been very upfront and oblivious about it.
Even our actually competition goverment which has to regularly get the approval of the political opposition still fin11:
I've heard from Canadian's it is estimated Canada spend about ~$10,000 dollars a year per person on their goverment run health insurance program.
If true (seems unlikely what you pay in taxs and don't spend on the military) this is comparable to what Americans spend on their chosen insurance plan in their actually functional healthcare system.
But if there is one difference between Canadians and Americans it is Canadians are pushovers a fact you've been demonstrating since 1776.
Consistently willing to accept whatever abuse their imperial masters shove down their throats, whereas we Americans fought a revolution and a Civil war to demand better treatment and representation. So i am sure you will like it when your goverment once again 'saves' Canada by bending over to anther very disadvantageous deal.
Just like you accept the same from your own 'countrymen' in this or every other area. Say what you will but like you french Quebec today, and the brittish masters before we are laughing all the way to the bank with what you gave away to us. - 2 d
@monorprise Do you personally know every Canadian from every province? I've provided a pertinent article. You've provided hearsay.
- We've had a rebellion in 1837 to try to get rid of the British
- We've thoroughly kicked your dumb ancestors asses in 1690 at Quebec in what was a really pathetic affair on your part, made your lives miserable back in 1759 (until the french panicked and gave away Quebec, of course), stopped Montgomery in its tracks in 1775, kicked your fuckin' asses during the battle of Chateauguay and Chrysler's farm during the war of 1812 (the latter in which we were outnumbered ten to one).
- You've basically never won any major battle or war against us (on your own, without the British).
- We have banned slavery in 1834 and didn't have to fight a war to make it happen.
- Half of your country fought to keep people enslaved and oppressed during the civil war.
When was the last time that your idiot country even won a war? War on terror? Catastrophic, costly failure. Afghanistan? Nope. Iraq? Yes, but not really. Vietnam? Bay of Pigs? Korea? Nope. WW2? Yep, but it was a collective effort. WW1? Yep, same. Civil War? Half the country lost and the fact that you've had to fight that war doesn't exactly make you look good.
But, to address your out-of-nowhere 10,000$ claim, we pay income taxes. The richer you get, the more you pay, because that's how it works in a functional and sane country. If you don't make much, you don't pay much and you still get the same treatment as everyone else. - 2 d
@monorprise Pushovers maybe, maybe not. You like to think that you're a badass nation but you more or less the equivalent of a vindictive douchebag who flexes his muscles only to get knocked out by the first punch. You can't really win wars by yourselves even with all of your military might.
As former PM Jean Chretien suggested today, let's cut the power that we provide to the city of New York in retribution for Trump's dumb tarriffs. We'll see how the fat fuck likes it, in his Trump Tower, to climb all of these flights of stairs holding a candlelight. - 2 d
- 2 d
@Danzigdawson 1837 was a failed rebellion, 1690 was a English - french war in which the English took Port Royal but failed to conquer The French colonies, neither however did the french colonies conquer the English colonies.
The United Kingdom banned Slavery for you in 1834. that says nothing about you, Only the 1837 rebellion says anything about you. 11 states voted for independence and we agree it was wrong to deny them their inalienable right. At the same time their conquest kind of obligates the union to conquer Canada as well under the same logic.
We only failed to achieve our objectives in Vietnam because we decided it wasn't really in our interest after all. The original objectives of Iraq and Afghanistan, Korea were achieved.
We were not involved in the Bay of Pigs, that was Cuban army made of Cuban who had fled the island which we supported much like you support the Ukraine army.
It only failed because we didn't offer anything more than material support.
Our Government also offers drastically reduced insurance subsidies for poor people.
- 2 d
@Danzigdawson Trump lives in Florida now not New York, and if you did that it would provide a nice justification for war. So go ahead the American army will be there in short order to turn it back on and install a new puppet regime.
I should clarify that Canada as a whole is not a real country I would like to say Quebec certainly is, from what I read from my American brother, the preference is to set Quebec free to raise its head among the nations of the world.
- 2 d
Lt. Gov. John Graves Simcoe's Act against Slavery (1793) predates the UK's official ban on slavery. It forbade the "importation" of new slaves and "children born henceforth to female slaves would be freed upon reaching the age of 25". It was not until 1808 that the US congress banned the importation of slaves and it would be almost 60 years and more than 600,000 casualties later before most of the losing half the country —reluctantly— ratified the 13th amendment.
We never have wanted to invade your colonies. We're not complete dicks.
At the time of the American revolution, Canada was overwhelmingly populated by French-speaking Canadiens, former citizens of New France. The British presence was comparatively small. It would have been a good idea to join the fight to get rid of them, but certainly not a good idea to join your country in the event of a victory. However, the war Seven Years War was particularly devastating and savage over here. You were our former enemies, as were the British. We didn't want to go through another devastating war so soon. It was a mistake, but at the time, it was the sensible thing to do.
The 1837-38 rebellion failed, as your own could have suffered the same fate at any point. You were not in a particularly good posture for most of the revolution and it took you 8 years and the French intervention to win.
- 2 d
You have lost in Vietnam because the NVA's will was too strong (they didn't care how many of them would die or how much time it would take), because it was an ever-escalating, costly, unpopular war that led nowhere (McNamara fallacy) and profoundly divided your country, because it was a demoralizing war that has destroyed the US reputation accross the world and left thousands of veterans broken, traumatized, only to be treated like shit by BOTH the public (conservatives and liberals) and the government. All for nothing. You have lost because you've installed a puppet regime in South Vietnam that collapsed as soon as you stopped funding it.
- 2 d
And yes, the initial objectives in Iraq, Korea and Afghanistan were met, but it didn't exactly result in an ideal outcome. It all failed catastrophically in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of US troops. In Iraq, Saddam Hussein was overthrown and executed, but the war made the Islamic State powerful and popular in the Middle-East, set fire to the whole region, resulting in the largest amount of refugees of war ever seen, cost a shitload to the US treasury, led (amongst other things) to a major recession, to a rise in islamic terrorism all around the world... and the insurgency is still ongoing to this day.
- 2 d
Going to war for cutting the power in retribution for your dumb criminal of a president imposing stupid tarriffs that are damaging to both our economies. Yeah that's plainly justified. Do you murder people for bumping into you accidentally on the street?
- 2 d
@Danzigdawson You seem very obsessed with the idea of slavery as if it were relevant.
If we are talking about areas that banned slavery Ontario was beat by neighboring Pennsylvania actually banning slavery in 1780, 13 years earlier, New Hampshire and Massachusetts in 1783 10 years earlier, and Connecticut and Rhode Island in 1784 9 years realer. I guess the idea just took a long time to make it across Lake Erie.
Regarding Quebec's failure to join the revolution that explication made more sense before the french joined the war. Thus guaranteeing Quebec a way back to France in the peace settlement. - 2 d
@Danzigdawson The Vietnam war was an illresponsable attempt by democrats to try and 'prove' republicans were wrong about Korea in believing a war could not be won unless you attacked the enemy where they came from.
Democrats were 100% wrong but unfortunately U. S. federal elections were already compromised by unrelated issues like Social security, medicare, etc.. so that didn't matter until things go really bad in the late 1960's by which point Nixon did bomb the north and got them to agree to a peace which only collapse after congress cut off South Veitname from parts and weapons.
The South Veitname goverment had nothing to fly or shoot with for want of parts and ammunition. If that had not happened they would have survived according to the North Veinam goverment who claimed they had nothing left.
So if you want to be frank vengeful democrats in congress stole defeat from the jaws of victory and we didn't even have to risk our own people in their effort to ended the Veitname war.
I couldn't care less about a 'international' reputation, that only matters as little or as much as you pretend it matters. Which is to say not at all.
So for example if we were to invade and sack Canada, as some are discussing in the next few years, within a few decade nobody of consequence would care.
- 2 d
I am not going to pretend Bush going back on this word to avoid nation building was a huge problem.
Once a new puppet goverment was installed we could have just sat back and let the Iraqi's and Afghanistan figure it out. Rather than actually trying to police their countries.
Yes it did destabilize the region but the region in question as a group is what embraced the radical Islamic teachings that attacked us.
This could have been done more cost effectively if Bush had kept his word.
The same that would be done to Canada if your leaders are not sufficiently agreeable. We invade, destroy your military kill most of your leadership then appoint a puppet goverment from an opposition faction to take over until "elections" can be held. Which of course would be rigged to elect anther puppet goverment.
in this way we don't have to do anything but provide military support in the event too many Canadian's get t he idea that the goverment isn't legitimate and try to overthrow it.
- 2 d
@Danzigdawson If your going to blackout our cities causing untold amounts of damage and distress.
This is a great justification for the war we already wanted to start to conquer and take from Canada what we want. While installing a new compliant puppet goverment that will keep you in line.
- 2 d
@monorprise Yes, it'd be that easy, you worthless, lunatic psychopath. Trump can't even hold a glass of water properly and people actually die when you get 1 inch of snow. The whole world will just stand there and watch and the other 50% of American voters who hate trump with a passion will gladly die for the orange fuhrer's stupid dreams of lebensraum. It's all so marvelous in trump's delusionland. In two years, you'll all be billionaires.
Good luck, dipshit 🖕 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 I don't often block people, but when I do, they're a particular kind of pieces of dog shit. - 1 d
@Danzigdawson You seem to like calling people names rather than talking rationaly
- 1 d
@Danzigdawson While I know the conversion topic can be difficult to deal with. We are discussing how the world works.
As for drafting Trump's enemies to fight this war, that has never been a problem for the federal goverment. See the draft.
The point is America can defeat Canada, and there isn't much the country can do the stop that. This makes Canada a satellite state.
Most Helpful Opinions
- 4 d
problem is Canada be emptied as they all move south. I'll take their free medicine, it's not far off from what we have now... waiting months to get to a Dr.
00 Reply
- 3 d
You think he thought it through?
They don't think that far ahead.
They're still at the part where they are imagining pissing their name in the snow. "Mine"00 Reply
- 3 d
Trump's jokes don't register with stupid people, much like sarcasm is impossible on here. You are living proof.
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 5 d
Robin Williams to Canadians:
"You're such a nice people. Canada is like a really nice apartment over a meth lab."
31 Reply- 3 d
17.2K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. One of the reasons that most Canadians want to be part of the US is so they will no longer have to deal with socialized medicine.
08 Reply- 5 d
You keep telling yourself that. Oh, by the way, juniors visit to Greenland was staged..
- 4 d
@DrPepper12 no, he was actually there. I read today that the PM of Greenland wants to talk to Presiden Trump. He is not even sworn in and he is making a deal to buy Greenland
- 4 d
Lol!!! He was there!!! Yes, yes he was in fact there. Now expand your understanding of the word "staged". Tell me more about his visit...
- 4 d
@DrPepper12 It looked like he was welcomed by the people that live there. Do you think he brought his own people to pretend?
- 3 d
@exitseven You probably know by now that I'm Canadian. Of course, I know that Americans are all-knowing and know more about Canada than we Canadians do, but I can assure you that there are not many of us here who wants to be a part of your shitty failing nation in which you have to pay a few thousand dollars for a short visit at the hospital.
I prefer to pay slightly more taxes than you do and live in a sane country, thank you (and anyway, we don't even pay that much more taxes than you do, look it up: www.cnbc.com/.../...icans-but-theres-a-catch.html) - 1 d
@exitseven has trump paid actors to clap in a crowd for him? Yes.
3.9K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Our health care isn't free. We pay for it with our extremally high taxes.
22 Reply- 1 d
@exitseven We have the same issue up here.
I actually prefer Canada, but as a medical student I don't like universal healthcare because doctors' salaries would no longer be as high.
01 ReplyDoctors' salaries SHOULD be high;they're saving folk's lives daily.
- 5 d
IT's where we'll ship all the shitlibs in the US. Like england did to Australia. Hope you like the cold.
09 ReplyExcept no one would want to escape.
Hm. I checked my account and don't seem to have any. Enjoy eating bugs
- 5 d
The only reason the bible belt is 'poor' compared to the blue states is we haven't taxed or regulated the cost of living into driving everyone who wasn't rich away.
- 5 d
@monorprise sorry, what? Driving everyone who wasn't rich away? Lol red states have always been a hole in the US
- 4 d
- 4 d
@monorprise now it's the land. Gotcha. Always an excuse.
- 5 d
We'd have to VASTLY improve out healthcare, but even now, it's FAR BETTER than "Yankee Care!!!"
10 Reply 2.7K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. No, because a state's mandates doesn't supercede the federal government's mandates for other states
00 Reply- u5 d
I want the Canadian cold... yes
00 Reply - 3 d
I'm indifferent about it
00 Reply 2.4K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. You can keep Canada...
01 Reply- 5 d
It must be nice to not need a military.
08 Reply- 5 d
Not anymore.
- 5 d
Was Canada ever nice, or was that just ontero which basically is Canada confusing "midwest nice" for "Canada nice"? - 5 d
NARRATOR: "In fact Canadian Air Force was assisting with LA fires as he posted..."
- 5 d
Who is the narrator? - 4 d
I just can't with MAGA... Just illiterate in every sphere of human endeavors...
- 4 d
Like Biden? - 23 h
Whataboutism... How refreshingly original for a MAGA... JFC 🙄
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