People who have lost respect for law enforcement or vice versa gained respect what caused that?

The way the BLM protests were handled in 2016. I understand that the rioting was bad, but I don’t think it would have gotten that bad if they didn’t escalate it by bringing out their military gear. In Tennessee, those same protests happened peacefully and without damage because the police allowed them their right to protest. Nothing escalated, nothing shattered, nothing was broken into or stolen. I blame all of that damage on the police deciding they didn’t like people protesting them, provoking that group into violence, and then saying they were just “doing their jobs” by attacking them with shields and tear gas.
BLM killed people and burned down billions in businesses and homes. You call that a protest?
Which people died? I only know they started because the police killed someone over weed, like that justifies it
Fentanyl and resisting arrest, is not weed related. Educate yourself. 500+ deadly riots and you don't know this? How is this even possible? Saint Floyd was trying to spend counterfeit money. That's not legal. He resisted arrest. Do you even care that Saint Floyd did a home invasion and pointed a loaded gun at a pregnant wife's belly? Keep dreaming about the fake weed story.
Run and hide.
Okay but who died as a result of the protesters? Give me a list and I’ll apologize
Did they burn businesses to the ground?
You said they killed people, I’m asking who
Did they burn businesses to the ground? If you can't admit that, you're not worth my time.
And if you refuse to back up baseless claims just to shit on my opinion (which you are entitled to do because it’s an opinion and you have a right to feel your feelings) you’re not worth mine
You said this was "weed" related. Did you lie?
No, I was wrong
Because I got my info wrong or I misremembered. It doesn’t change my opinion that those businesses would have never been burned down if it wasn’t for escalation on the part of the police
Who controls BLM?
As far as I remember, the official group of Black Lives Matter didn’t form until after the initial protests
You admitted about being wrong about the weed. You posted it as a fact, but you were wrong.
BLM is is Marxist group, they conducted 500+ riots and people died.
I'm not going to hold your hand. You don't care. I can't fix you, and no one can. You are who you are.
You keep saying people died but no one did
@autonation yes people died in the fires
Well alright then, I apologize
@autonation. "500+ deadly riots" oh PLEASE source that!!!
I've had no positive interactions with cops, even when I had called them. They've lied before about me, and did nothing when I needed help
Where to begin?
I'll start with the left end of the IQ bell curve militarized Judge Dread wanna be's who never met a non white male they didn't want to torture & subjugate while earning $200K and letting taxpayers pay for their sadistic treatment via qualified immunity.
When one of my best friends became a cop I found out how fucked up the job is, most people couldn't handle it.
I love that San Francisco can't hire local cops. They all left for red states. lol
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