I did the hardest thing. My younger sister got herself into a huge mess of trouble. I was very angry at her I grab the belt and wiped her. She was drunk her a few friends and her boyfriend were driving while intoxicated and they destroyed a property. A lot you will called me a monster. But my sister not only did she destroyed her car she crash onto someone else house. Lucky no one was inside. The police officer spoke to me after dealing with my sister the police officer ask me if I wanted to get in contact with an attorney. I told the police officer No thank you if my sister is responsible of all the damaged in that property lock her up she needs to learn a lesson officer how I will not be paying for her mistakes and that she will have to work and pay the damaged that she made in that house. The police officer look superised and told me you know someone your age would have called and attorney and make excuse for the behavior, He told me I was making a good choice in teaching My sister a lesson. My sister hates me now for not getting her an attorney, Honestly she isn't appreciate of the things I do for her paying her college tuition and got her a car paying her phone yet I found out she wasn't even going to get classes. Was I to hard on her?
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