Is anyone else really happy that DEI is finally getting the extermination it well deserves?

I saw the announcement that Meta is rolling back DEI (along Wal Mart, Amazon and many other major companies) and I couldn’t be happier.

DEI ultimately hurts the supposed people it claims to empower. When you tell a black person they need “special assistance” because of their skin color it’s also telling them they lack agency and intelligence to get ahead on with their own ability. When you tell a woman she can be a fire fighter despite her lacking the physical strength to do the job it can get people killed.

When you tell people their are “special” if they are LBTQ then some of them are further incentivized to pursue extremely self destructive decisions (sex changes)

The acronym for DEI should have been Didn’t Earn It. And even though some non-intersectional people (e. g. white males) might be supportive on the surface in reality it has created a lot of animosity and resentment. DEI only ultimately creates more division, hatred, racism and sexism.

Anyway I believe we are on the cusp of a new era. However that absolutely does not mean I don’t want minorities, women and gay people to be discriminated against. But what matters most is respect and respect is earned. It’s not something you will can ever truly earn because of your gender (or prior gender), race or sexual orientation. The greatest minority is the individual.

DEI drives people in the opposite direction given it’s blatant institutional prejudice and discrimination against non “intersectional” people. Even intersectional people are noticing this bullshit (e. g. critical race theory) and a lot of them are not stupid. They realize how destructive these government policies can be in the long run.

That’s what the GOP made a huge inroads with minority voters in the November 2024 election.

Is anyone else really happy that DEI is finally getting the extermination it well deserves?
I’m glad DEI is dying
We need DEI
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28 d
I really wish I could get at least 1000 people to respond to this poll. Statistically that would be a decent sample size. Enough to draw some conclusions on how most people feel about DEI.

Also I believe many people were misled with the feel good happy terms leftists come up with. Many people don’t know the difference between “equality” (equal opportunity which is a good thing) vs. “equity” which is a bullshit euphemism for government forced discrimination.
27 d
Just FYI I brought up the under-qualified DEI lesbian firefighter example given the current events. But just for the record I’m definitely NOT gloating all the death and destruction going on in LA right now. I don’t wish for people to lose their homes (or their lives) just because they live in an area that is notorious for exposing an ideology I extremely dislike. I actually have a few friends who live in LA and I’m very concerned about at the moment.
Is anyone else really happy that DEI is finally getting the extermination it well deserves?
Post Opinion