Should I dump him or is this normal?

So I've been my boyfriend since May. He used to tell me that he liked me when we were cuddling in bed. Now he doesn't say anything. I know he probably thinks it's assumed since he's still with me and cuddles with me. It's still nice to hear though, and now that he doesn't say it-it almost feels like I'm just there for sex.

So over the past month or so I've been thinking that we need to break up. We have very little in common, and I feel like I'm not the girl he really wants. I wear flats a lot and I'm clumsy. And he always tells me how he wants me in high heels, and how ungraceful of a girl I am. Also he hardly ever drinks, and I drink a lot. I'm in the restaurant industry and I used to go out almost every night for drinks. On my day off I like to get a bottle of wine or two and enjoy them. Every time I get slightly drunk though he makes fun of me. He invited me to his work's Christmas party (I was the first girl he ever took). I'm really shy too, when it comes to first meeting people. At some point he left me to go talk to another guy's girlfriend. Normally, when I'm with all of my friends and people I know I wouldn't care, but I was super uncomfortable. So without realizing it I guess I was glaring at him. The next day at his place he was saying how his friends could tell I was so jealous and gave him dirty looks. He didn't defend me, and he doesn't ever defend me. So I feel like to him I'm this drunk, ungraceful, jealous girl, and he doesn't tell me now. I don't see how he can like me. But every time that I ask if I'm just a sex buddy he denies it.

I don't see why or how he can be into me. Or why he's still with me. He needs a super girly girl, which I'm not. I'm the clumsy, goofy, dorky girl that doesn't care if she falls down or gets drunk. And I don't want to be judged for that. On the other hand though he can be super sweet. He cooks dinner for me every night (although he won't eat anything I make him-and I'm good).

My previous relationships I've been good friends with them before dating. So from the get go we had a good connection. I met him online so there was no friendship connection to work from.

I really don't know what to do. I don't feel like he cares about me, and yet he wants me over almost every night of the week. I haven't had many relationships so any insight would be helpful. Thanks
Should I dump him or is this normal?
2 Opinion