Would you agree in enrolling in martial arts for the sole purpose of beating up your bullies?

This couple really thought that enrolling their then 16 year-old son in Taekwondo would be the solution and that in 2 month he would beat his 3 bullies. This backfired. It did nothing. One of them end up leg sweeping him and it was over so fast. None of them were impressed at all. He had to be transferred to another school. This was in 2018.

From the little I know about these combat sports, isn't martial arts really to have more discipline within yourself, control your stress and something you're enthusiastic to learn, not go with the idea of beating up bullies? The sensei (instructor) would be telling you to only use self-defense if needed, if it's necessary and then leave.
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Would you agree in enrolling in martial arts for the sole purpose of beating up your bullies?
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