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+1 y

What would make you call a girl a slut?

someone that has sex on a regular base with multiple different sex partners. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Why is Ariana Grande hot to guys?

She's "ew" in my eyes. simply based on not being attracted to a girl like that. Other

+1 y

What are your opinions on women with tattoos?

depends on the ink, the quality of the ink and the amount of ink :P. but most of the times, it's hot :D Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Why is hard to find a good man?

why is it hard to find a good girl ^^? cuz they mostly go for the dick heads and get their hearts broken. Relationships

+1 y

Do people still get catfished?

it happens everyday. sadly... thank God it never happened to me before xP. and I'd never do it myself :). Other

+1 y

Could megalodons and other dinosaurs and marine dinosaurs and marine reptiles still be alive in our own oceans hidden in the oceans depths and lakes?

aren't komododragons actually dinosaurs? thought I saw that on discovery channel one that. something about that this animal stayed the same over all these years. like same with crocodiles. but... Other

+1 y

What are your thoughts on an open relationship?

it's a lack of loyalty and commitment. I don't like that. Dating

+1 y

What do you think of muslim girls?

language barrier is to large. so I personally don't like Muslim girls. as in my own country I don't like them for many reasons. I only got 1 Muslim friend but don't speak to her often. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Does getting revenge make you feel better?

agree with yah 100% procent. unless I really hate the person. Relationships

+1 y

Should I get an undershave?

lol I believe I've never seen a girl with that. 🙈 imma say no. it looks ugly.. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Long damaged hair or short healthy hair?

short and healthy ;)! Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Why would anybody need a mirror on their ceiling?

they can't get enough of how they look i guess ;o or they want a different perspective while having sex. no clue, i think it's ridiculous ^^ Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Linkin Park's Chester Bennington Committed Suicide, Thoughts?

😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

boyfriend likes sexy photos of girls' he follows and it makes me feel insecure?

if it's an ex then yh I agree. if it's just a friend or somebody he knows. then you got nothing to worry about. it's like a form of respect towards the person on the picture. I would be more... Dating

+1 y

Are men and women equal or different?

I agree with yah mate. but sadly that's no longer how the society works. woman are fighting 24/7 for more "equal" rights. but what they don't realise is that it never will happen. physically we... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why do people always try to set me up?

it's ur choice. they should respect that. Relationships

+1 y

Should I ask my friends with benefits to be my sperm donor?

something tells me you already know what you wanna do ;). I'd say ask him. what's there to loose? a sex partner and nothing more. in the end it's ur choice. ;) Relationships

+1 y

Is it mature to be friends with your ex?

i've got a flat friendship with one of my exes, so.. nothing wrong with it as long as it doesn't get close again. Dating

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