Would you say Happy Valentine's Day to a troll?

Let's say there was an infamous Internet Troll on your user forum -- you know the guy.

He posts inflammatory comments about your favorite political leader only to cause you emotional distress.

Joe Biden: transsexual pedophile
Joe Biden: transsexual pedophile

He makes outrageous or absurd statements intended to frustrate you.

The problem with feminism is it doesnt have a male leader.
The problem with feminism is it doesn't have a male leader.

He deliberately posts off-topic comments.

This is not a penis.
This is not a penis.

Would you wish this Troll a Happy Valentine's Day? Even if you knew that he has no concern for your ego-driven desire to validate your meaningless existence?

Happy Valentines Day, troll!
Happy Valentine's Day, troll!
Yes, trolls deserve LOVE
No, trolls deserve HATE
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Would you say Happy Valentine's Day to a troll?
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