Do guys mind if a girl acts awkward and clumsy?

I am so embarrased because I had a major awkward moment with a guy. He most likely thinks I am some weird, creepy, bumbling idiot. I think he might have liked me. I noticed lots of signs such as staring then looking away multiple times a day, doing favors for me, using a soft voice with me, starting lots of conversations, acting shy and awkward around me and nobody else, etc.

Obviously people like to look at people they are interested in or find attractive. So I was looking at him and not really paying attention to what I was doing. Since I was paying more attention to him than what I was doing, I kind of dropped stuff all over the floor and he looked over. I could see him staring at me from my peripheral vision so I started doing weird stuff and making weird movements trying to like cover up the fact that I was staring. I also trip all over stuff on a daily basis, run into things, make awkward movements, and drop stuff a lot. It's just how I am. He usually just stares at me with a blank face when I'm doing this stuff or he will laugh a bit at times if I look at him and smile after I do stupid crap. He still talked to me after this situation, but I feel I was being creepy and awkward. I know that guys' opinions vary, but I'm just wondering what some guys think of this behavior.
Do guys mind if a girl acts awkward and clumsy?
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