Girls, Damsel in distress techniques? when and how do use them if you do? or just any help here please?

Basically we've dated and it ended for reasons nothing bad but we agreed to be friends long story. Considering i've only known here 6 months nearly we are very close, but she's also very shy, i know a lot of stuff not even her longest friends know or her family for that matter, she confides in me a lot etc etc i could explain it all if needs be but anyway, she says she'd not want to lose our relationship... not friendship, once when down it came out she kinda thinks i'm too good for her again long story, but when we meet up in person say for a walk or activity or just a coffee, she's always fidgety with her hands mainly not hair or legs as is the usual or playing with a ring on her hand, looks at me a lot more, now is comfortable eating in front of me or rather was ages ago which she finds hard with some people, is comfortable talking about anything, she checks her phone from time to time and i know some say if she was fully in her phone wouldn't matter, but she also taps me a lot and in one case was tapping and like playfully punching for a solid 5 minutes grabbing my hand with both of hers grabbing my leg, tapping my head trying to take my hat, punching me on shoulder asking if it hurt because she's just gone up a belt in her fight class, and then after was like i'm even too tired to hurt you ;) give me a hand up... now to me much of this behaviour isn't really a friend type of approach there are other occasions such as i gave her a piggy back one time to hospital when someone dropped a glass on her foot and it did a bit of damage despite her arguing it was fine, but yeah she says she'd do her best to protect me if she had to and said i hope you'd do it for me... just many little things that throw me off or once when i had to go to hospital she said if i'd of known i'd of cancelled my activity and gone with you i'm concerned how you are and feeling over talking to an ex, she once offered to cancel a date just to have a drink with me... so your opinions ladies please?
Girls, Damsel in distress techniques? when and how do use them if you do? or just any help here please?
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