Why do some girls act aloof?

And kind of "b*tch-like", for lack of better words. Like they'll look at at guy showing the slightest bit of interest, maybe not even a romantic/sexual interest but just a friendly interest, and turn up their noses, or laugh at him, or just shrug at him, as if the guy is supposed to know how the hell to respond to that.

What is it, some sophisticated style of flirting or flipping you off? Is the guy supposed to be super witty and original to pass the test? Whatever it is, it's confusing and it's a complete and utter turn-off for me. Why are some girls like this? Are there any easygoing, straightforward girls out there?

(i.e., girls that aren't boring, just know how to communicate on a freakin' comprehensible and normal level?)
Why do some girls act aloof?
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